Abhyasa & Its 3 Allies

Abhyasa & Its 3 Allies


1- LONG TIME (Dirgha Kala) 

Establish your self in a long term routine of working on the various physical, energetic, and psychic hatha yoga puzzles. Make sure the passage of time finds you engaged in practice eventually you’ll grow strong in yoga and know the fruits of discipline and one pointed attention. One month is good, one year is better, one lifetime of practice is brings wisdom and satisfied desire. The longer you practice the better it becomes for your soul.


I encourage you to adopt my motto: doing any yoga, under any circumstances, for any amount of time, at any time, with no additional expectations or obligations is better than doing none. Setting the bar low helps me to have a commitment to doing a little yoga every day so that I gain the ally of consistency. From the perspective of consistency simply getting in there and doing something is more important than any other factor such as how intense, long, short, insightful, inspiring, frustrating, joyous, boring or other. Steadiness in daily practice wins the day!

3- SINCERITY (Satkara)

Caring deeply or practicing in earnest completes the trio of qualities that make for success in abhyasa. The Sanskrit word Satkara means sincerity, devotion to truth, to put your heart and soul into your efforts. Satkara breaks down to SAT == true or real and KARA-making or maker. To be involved in practice is to be a truth maker—you withdraw your mind and senses within your own body, apply hatha yoga techniques and endeavor to make, craft, express, fashion, or otherwise materialize what is true or real for you now in this immediate moment. Being a truth maker is not different than being a shoemaker and truth is not a dead thing, not already formed, not something set in stone, not something found in the past or future but rather is a malleable substance that exists within you, truth or reality is something alive within you in this very moment. You use your hands and feet, arms and legs, brain, spine and senses to discover, unearth, birth, make or express truth anew in each new moment.

oirgnally published on https://www.facebook.com/davidgarriguesyoga/photos/a.199256923427769.46446.188603781159750/1782902665063179/?type=3&fref=gs&dti=415448381921922&hc_location=group

Also read:

Yoga in Vedas and Vedic Period (History, Elements, Yogis)

Full History of Yoga (Origin, Evolution, Development With Timeline)

Who is Adiyogi? The First Yogi and Source of Yoga


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