Warning: If you are Beatle maniac, then you will be pinching yourself after reading this blog.]
Reading the title again, can’t believe it…
Yes, it’s true, the Beatles Tribute Band, “Fab Four” is coming to Rishikesh. It will be performing at International Yog Festival from 4th to 6th March, 2018 at Ganga Resort, Rishikesh.
50 years ago, The Beatles stepped onto Laxman Jhula and made their way to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Ashram – Chaurasi Kutiya (Hindi colloquial for 84 huts). They relaxed, mediate & composed their classical songs.
The Beatles discovered Maharishi & his transcendental technique in 1968, when he was on his lecture tour in England. Later, practicing with him for weeks at his Ashram, the band felt these techniques as opening of floodgate of creativity.
Isn’t yoga & meditation is all about inward journey and when we turned inwards, we see ourselves more better way, we harness our potential, our capabilities in a more better and productive way. The Beatles and their contribution to music was one of the recorded example.
This year at International Yog Festival, 1-8th March participants will see The Beatles Tribute Band, “Fab Four”, performing at the Ganges as ultimate tribute to The Beatles.
If you haven’t made any booking, then book it now. http://internationalyogfestival.co.in/yog-gurus-2017
Stay tuned with hellomyyoga blogs, there are more surprises that will be unveiled at International Yog Festival 1-8th March 2018.