To advocate and support a healthy lifestyle is quite fascinating. Every time we find someone bothered with some issue related to life or health we have a number of turnkey solutions to offer. Really? Because these solutions are directed towards what one can do. On the other hand if we are to discuss our way of living we seldom tell the truth to others in a fear of getting our image tarnished or may be our advice to others can sometimes back fire.
Nobody in the world is perfect but what is important is to tame our imperfections to strengthen ourselves. The word exercise seems to be really hard even a thought of it is like waking up a fatigued person from deep sleep everyday. Rising before sunshine and saying hello to god sun, pulling up your socks and going on a never ending trekking which involves all the rocks which can make you fall down and the biggest rock says “I cannot do it”. All this is in our mind and when it comes to yoga we start thinking as if it is just for yogis or gymnasts who know it and have time to do it, not us.
We have numerous rather ridiculous excuses for not doing it. Some say I am not strong enough to do it. Others say I am old and having aching muscles tender bones and inflexible body and yoga needs flexibility. But we don’t  understand  that we have to do move towards flexibility through regular exercise rather than being flexible to do yoga. Some people  say that yoga is unacceptable in their religion. There are many things which are unacceptable in our society but still people do it be it right or wrong. But it is about a healthy exercise which only benefits not harms us. Secondly it is more important to convince ourselves about the positive outcomes of a particular habit rather than agreeing to some belief.
lnfact, rigidity is in our approach towards life and it’s needs to change. Change! another heavy word thrown towards us. Times keep changing and it requires us to mould ourselves otherwise we lag behind. Talking about habit we people have so many habits which actually are harming us. Then can’t we have one good habit that can transform us into a better person. We can start with meditation and silently observe the soothing silence which helps us to listen to ourselves without any external or internal noise.
Slowly and steadily perform the yoga exercise which your physical set up accepts and mentally calms you. Just find an appropriate place, time preferably early morning and a mentor to get the level of satisfaction and maximum benefit. Secondly you will be able to concentrate better and inhale the Pranvaayu which is nature’s best gift to us which has an amazing healing power. Meditation prepares us to withstand the long duration of yoga and strengthens our nervous system. To your surprise you’ll learn to manage your time, control your negativity and work your way effortlessly through most critical situations.
Once you start practicing yoga routinely it will become a healthy addiction which will be the secret of your ageless and will earn lifetime credit for you. A couple of minutes and you will learn to control your mind. Rather than being a slave of your will, be a master of your own life. Get out of your comfort zone with a firm belief and determination that what you are doing is only beneficial not detrimental to your health and life. Then you’ll gladly tell and inspire others to adopt your fitness regime and pave the way for a healthy living. Yoga makes us physically fit and mentally alert, we don’t have to be picture perfect to perform it.
Even after reading this blog you are motivated but not energised enough to kick start yoga in your life, then participate at International Yog Festival, 1st -8th March at Ganga Resort, Rishikesh. You never know 8 days retreat changes your life and life living idea. For registeration, click here.
Read more
Types of Yoga: 13 Different Styles & Forms of Yoga
Full History of Yoga (Origin, Evolution, Development With Timeline)
Top 3 Patanjali Yoga Sutras for Balanced Life (With Meaning & Examples)
Different Definitions of Yoga (From 15+ Scriptures & Roots of Yoga)