Commemorating The Beatles@ 50 in India


Beatles-a famous rock band of the 60’s doesn’t need any introduction. But there is also another side of these renowned rockstars and that is the spiritual side. Away from the fast and supercharged lives, Beatles made Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ashram as their spiritual abode. It is popularly known as Beatles ashram today . It is located in the Rajaji National park of Rishikesh. The Beatles under the aegis of Maharishi Mahesh, the pioneer of transcendental yoga, rendezvoused with their spiritual side. Maharishi Mahesh is known to have spread transcendental yoga across the world.Beatles after being inspired from Maharishi’s messages decided to visit India in 1968. They stayed in the ashram with their mentor Maharishi Mahesh yogi and practiced transcendental yoga. The serene place where they stayed is known as Chaurasi kutiyas-84 huts or Beatles ashram. 

To commemorate their visit to India, International yog festival has organized a journey from 1-7th March 2018, which takes us down the memory lane and visualize the times when this historical event occurred. The photograph exhibition reminds us of the time when Beatles were present in the ashram. There are pictures of Beatles four with Maharishi Mahesh yogi and also the photos in which Beatles are enjoying time at ashram. Apart from this the beautiful wildlife photographs taken by photographers at Rajaji Tiger Reserve is a feast for eyes. Furthermore the participants congregate at this unique, natural and real place which is apt for spiritual exercises. The architecture of the ashram resembles vernacular architecture with huts made of stone, wood  and thatch. The walls of the ashram are beautified with graffiti of abstract art. The ashram is surrounded with greenery and the walking passages are covered with mud and stones reminding us of the forests and hills where our ancient sages used to practice austerity and meditation – a quintessentially ancient ashram. 

A plethora of yoga events were in offer at the ashram like introduction to Trancendental meditation , past life regression healing therapy by Ms. Surekha Sengupta, yoga session by yogrishi Vishvketu ji,Anatomy and physiology of breath by Ksenia Rasapriya Bodhi, Yoga for body and beyond by Bharat Bhushan ji,Introduction to yoga Sutras by Swami Abhishek Chitanya, Bhakti yoga satsang by yogi Vishnu, Ashtanga yoga by Yogacharya Bipin Baloni and Yogi Kamal Singh, Hatha yoga by Yogacharya Vimlesh Joshi, Yoga Nidra and meditation by Ms. Deepa Negi Meera, key poses of modified hatha yoga by Mr. Neeraj Purohit and Iyengar yoga by Raju Batra ji.

Transcendental meditation is simple technique to relieve our mind and body from several problems and challenges of civilization which are quite frequent nowadays. TM is a silent form of meditation that involves effortless and silent use of mantras specifically meant for it. The person takes up a favorable thought then silently reaches towards its quieter state by moving in the direction of relaxed state of mind where one can reach to a level of calmer self and finally achieving consciousness of mind. Transcendental meditation works on entire body. It enhances our productivity at work, strengthens immune system, relieves from stress by reducing the cortisol which is stress producing hormones, placates one from post trauma problems, reduces blood pressure, cholestrol and prevents heart diseases, improves concentration and enhances positivity in life. Consequently one is able to lead a contented life with better interpersonal relationships both at home and at work.

To make the festival even more cherishable Fab Four performance was organized at the Ganga resort to pay tribute to the Beatles.The Fab Four band alongwith the Indian artist rocked the stage and lifted the spirits of the audience.


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