cosmic cycle

The Bhagavadgīta has been used as a spiritual guide for many centuries by countless people  around the world. While the ultimate goal of the Gīta is to lead us toward self-realisation, it also  shows us the importance of moving towards achieving this objective without disturbing other  fellow beings and nature. The scripture encourages us to think of the world as one big family  where man and nature live in harmony. 

In the third chapter, which is on karma yoga, Kṛṣṇa explains the concept of yagña bhāvanā which  means that we dedicate our actions to the totality and remain unattached to the results. Actions  performed with this spirit leads to the elimination of selfish tendencies and contribute to the  welfare of the whole. He presents the cosmic cycle in śloka-s 3.14 and 3.15.  

“All beings are born of food, food is born of rains. Rains are caused by actions or duties  performed in the spirit of yagña. The duties for human beings are described in the Veda-s, and the  Veda-s are manifested by Īśvara. Therefore, Īśvara is eternally present in acts of sacrifice.” 

What this means is that an individual’s action can influence the totality and vice versa. Each and  every one of us has a role to play to maintain this cosmic balance by fulfilling our responsibilities  in the best possible way. A selfless action performed by an individual can bring about a positive change in the world while a selfish action would do the opposite. When we look around at the  world today, there is certainly a a disruption in the rhythms of nature. Many places are  experiencing very unusual weather patterns leading to imbalances in the ecosystem. This affects  each and every one of us in one way or the other leading to disturbances in everyday life. We  need to reflect upon the reasons behind these disparities. 

Let us imbibe the wisdom of the Veda-s and work towards collective prosperity and rise above  egocentric tendencies. “Vasudhaiva kutumbakam – The world is one family.” This is the eternal  message of the Veda-s. Delve into the rich tapestry of the Bhagavad Gita, unlock your inner potential, and set out on a transformative adventure with our Bhagavad Gita Series under the guidance of Chitra Ganesh, an esteemed Vedic Chant Teacher. 

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