Diabetes – Prevention and Management Through Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy

Diabetes - Prevention and Management Through Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy

Diabetes Mellitus is a major non-communicable disease that is increasing at a rapid pace so much so that every family has one diabetic case either inherited or owing to an unhealthy and unorganized lifestyle. The worst part is once it gets you, the coming generations are quite vulnerable to fall prey to it. Poorly controlled diabetes leads to several complications, including heart diseases, stroke, and death.

We all are educated with scientific causes of Diabetes, the relationship between Pancreas & Insulin and its improper functioning. Still, there is a lack of knowledge regarding prevention from Diabetes and precautions what to be followed by diabetic patients.

In longer run alternative therapy like Ayurveda & Yoga cure a lot of problems but we should be aware of what our body is receptive to and what not as it’s a customized science and every being is a unique individual. These days several myths and improper information cloud our minds as diabetes has become a quite common issue nowadays. Renowned doctors and researchers are motivating people to switch to natural and alternative healing and prevention therapies as most health issues are caused due to imbalances in our body owing to internal and external stressors and ignorance about health and lifestyle.

The need of the hour is to understand our body constitution and its way of functioning at different times of the day and accordingly plan our lifestyle. Ayurveda, yoga, and Naturopathy can work in tandem in preventing and managing diabetes as these are customized sciences that were formed with nature and human anatomy in focus. These 3 therapies work on a different sets of principles that empower the body to nourish, function and heal itself naturally but with a well-guided approach and knowledge. 

Thus, India Exposition Mart Limited is organizing Ayuryog Expo at Greater Noida,India’s first world Assembly  on Yoga Ayurveda and Naturopathy where you can connect with renowned experts  like Dr. PratapChauhan,Director Jiva Ayurveda, Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH,  Dr. B M Hedge, Co-Chairman of the TAG-VHS Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai and the chairman of BharatiyaVidyaBhavan, Mangalore, Dr. YB Tripathi (Dean  Ayurveda, BHU, UP), Dr. Sahay, Vaidya DevendraTriguna, Ayurvedic Physician and many other elite professionals from different fields.

It will be a four-day event from 7th -10th November 2019 with startling facts and takeaways for a lifetime. These knowledge sessions will answer your unattended queries regarding diabetes and pave the way for healthy living. 

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