Healing And Prevention Of Cancer With Ayurveda, Yoga And Naturopathy

Healing And Prevention Of Cancer With Ayurveda, Yoga And Naturopathy

Cancer is the second major disease that can be fatal and is increasing worldwide. Cancer is abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in a body as the body’s control mechanism stops working and destroys body tissues leading to the development of several other diseases. 

There are multiple reasons that can account to cancer. Cancer is basically caused by constant accumulation of damage caused by substances known carcinogens to genes. The reasons can be environmental pollution, viruses or genetic factors. Elements like tobacco, radiations, excessive alcohol, nitrites and polyaromatic hydrocarbons from grilled food, environmental pollutants such as tar, asbestos, metal compounds, plastic chemicals, bacteria like Helicobacter Pylori that causes gastritis, Hepatitis virus, herpes virus, and certain drugs can also cause cancer apart from genetic factors. Though cancer cells produce in our bodies but in few numbers and our immune system recognizes such alien cells and destroys them.

But any interference in its working or the natural cycle of our physical and mental set up like one or more aforementioned reasons create imbalance and chaotic situations that our innate natural prevention system weakens and works mistakenly. 

Though conventional medicines and therapies seem to be inevitable once cancer has been developed but if the systematic healing approach is followed after looking at all the dimensions and causes of the problem alternative healing therapies can be beneficial in providing relief in symptoms of cancer like easing pain, nausea, vomiting, and uneasiness. Moreover, several therapies in yoga-like meditation, pranayama, in Ayurveda and in naturopathy like lifestyle interventions and suitable diet, allow a person to relax and manage most of the issues associated with cancer.

Moreover, alternative therapies can minimize the risk of cancer due to lifestyle like stress, unhealthy routine, and diet that weakens our immune system. How one can get freedom from fear and miseries of cancer is only through proper knowledge and awareness about it.

Therefore, India Exposition Mart Limited is organizing Ayuryog Expo at Greater Noida from 7th November-10th November, India’s first world Assembly on Yoga Ayurveda and Naturopathy.

These four days will witness the congregation of AYUSH experts and professionals from different fields of medicine and healthcare like Dr B S Ajaikumar, Chairman & CEO, HCG, Prof Rajesh K Grover, Director & CEO, Delhi State Cancer Institute, Dr. Vadiraja H.S, Research Officer (Y&N), CCRYNDr. Shilpa Shah, Naturopathy & yoga doctor and many elite experts will calm your fears and allow those with cancer to view life with a different perspective. 

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