Kindness doesn’t have to be this big thing, that takes a huge effort, something as simple as paying for someone’s coffee has the power to turn someone’s day around. Kindness triggers a sense of connection. When we give something to someone, they feel closer to us and we feel closer to them.
We all have bad days and sometimes we take it out on others or even on people we don’t know. If, in a moment of anger or frustration you do this, be brave, go back and apologize. Saying sorry does more than just correct bad behavior, it builds a connection by showing vulnerability and honesty.Â
Be kind to yourself
Probably the most important key to kindness. When we feel good we spread that positivity to others. When we neglect ourselves, we feel bad and that negativity somehow effects our interactions with others. That’s why I created Self Care Saturday. A day of the week, which is dedicated to, self love. I take time to nurture myself by doing what I love, for you that could mean…… you retain your natural reserves and this is for yourself, but ends up benefitting others.
Speak Up
If you see someone being mistreated speak up. Either at work or a labor worker or even in your social circle. Like they say when good people do nothing, evil triumphs. Don’t let evil prevail. Be a voice for those who don’t have a voice and be strong for those who cant.
Be Present
When you are spending time with people really show up, by being on your phone you send the message that they are not really important to you and they are not worthy of your attention.
Change a life with gadgets
Now you have the new iPhone X what did you do with your old iPhone 7? or your old ipdas come to think of it? Before you put your old gadgets in a drawer, see if there is anyone that you can give them too.
Make kind comments
Its funny who the people we care about the most are the ones we forget to be kind to, we know they’ll love us anyway, so we stop making an effort. But a simple gesture or kind comment can change everything. You hold the power to uplift those around you with each comment that you make. Words are so powerful, never under estimate them:
- Tell your best friend how she inspires you
- Tell your parents how much you appreciate the way they raised you
- Tell your brother or sister how lucky you feel to have them
- Tell your husband or wife they are the love of your life
Share your food
There is nothing like breaking bread together, that’s what I always tell the girls at the office. Next time you go shopping buy some extra fruit to give to the man you see cleaning the street on the way to work. Feeding a hungry person is way more than kindness is basic humanity.
Do Something for nothing
Sometimes people want simple assistance more than you giving them something. Spread some kindness by donating a skill. All of us have something to offer. Giving in this way fulfills a practical need and makes the receiver feel supported. Everyone one of us has the power to do something for nothing. If every one in every city of the world, did something for nothing, we could literally change the world.
You could:
- Bake a cake for someone
- Wash someone’s car
- Help someone with an assignment
- Share your skill – teach someone what you know, so they can pass on the kindness
There is no such thing as a small act of kindness; the tiniest gesture has a ripple effect. We don’t always think of smiling as giving something, but even the prophet Mohammed said smiling is an act of charity. It’s the simplest thing but so very powerful. It lifts people up plus it’s contagious.
Give Encouragement
Your words can nourish peoples ideas and support them to become something amazing,. Its easy to pick someone’s idea apart, if you look for faults you can always find them, but positivity is the best way to help someone succeed.
Be Happy for peoples happiness
When something good happens to someone you know, celebrate their success. Sometimes when a friend is happy about something, their lives can change in a positive way, it can be normal for feelings of envy to creep in, that affects our behavior toward them. But their gain doesn’t mean your loss. It’s the opportunity to be selfless and celebrate their joy. If you do find it hard to be happy for them, ask yourself:
- What can I be grateful for right now (the cure to envy)?
- What can I do to be kind to my friend right now?
- Does my friends happiness dimish mine?
- Is there anything I can do in my own life to increase my happiness?
Take the initiative
Often people who need help or support feel shy about asking for it, maybe they don’t want ot be a burden. If you think they could do with some support take the initiative, it doesn’t matter if they decline, a kind offer is never wasted.
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