Overcome Depression with Yoga

Overcome Depression with Yoga

Do you often feel distressed and sad?  Do you wish to stay aloof, avoid social circle or do you feel lost even if you are with your close ones? Do you keep questioning your purpose of existence? Do you feel emotionally too vulnerable?

We can have a spell of sadness in bad times that can make us feel led down and anxious but if it is becoming a part of your life and slowly creeping inside you, then it’s time to check if it is depression. Signs of depression can be too obvious or too ambiguous leaving the sufferers clueless until it’s diagnosed by someone. People with depression can show up the following traits:

  • Extremes of emotions
  • Lack or lot of appetite
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Feeling of hopelessness and lack of interest
  • Staying aloof and avoiding people
  • Puzzled and difficulty in expressing oneself
  • Lack of decision making and concentration
  • Chronic fatigue or Insomnia
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Chronic pain
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness

They might also show up signs of other disorders like OCD, bipolar disease, Schizophrenia. Several factors account for depression like – Environment, Traumatic Experience, Genetic or Biological factors, Psychological Conditions.

Many of us going through these tough conditions often rely on medications and psychotherapy to placate from the unpleasant occurrence of triggers like a panic attack and constant feelings of sadness and distress. But, many of the patients abandon the treatment due to social pressure, unfulfilled expectations, lack of access to resources or side effects of medicines.

Yoga has thus been recognized as an alternative treatment for depression that works on all areas of the physiology and psychology of patients while simultaneously keeping track of other health issues, family and social environment and lifestyle one follows in order to make appropriate interventions to cure the condition.

Yoga provides various tools to work the patient’s way out of a depressive state. Asanas like Child pose, Corpse pose, Downward facing dog pose, Bridge pose, Plow pose work on relaxing the body and nervous system, improve blood circulation in the body, stimulate the hormones to balance mood swings, balance the imbalanced doshas especially vata dosha and revitalize the body. So, most of the underlying causes are actually attended to and treated with yoga. Moreover, breath regulation and Pranayama works well in treating depression. The breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Bhastrika lower blood pressure and cortisol levels responsible for stress and anxiety, purify and clean the energy channels to ensure seamless flow of prana and supply ample amount of oxygen to the body. Meditation allows the patient to stay calm, mindful, and live in the present moment and opens up the mind.

Thus, yoga is an efficient and safe tool to counter depression that one can continue without any ill effect and at its own pace and personal space.

Read more

Types of Yoga: 13 Different Styles & Forms of Yoga

Full History of Yoga (Origin, Evolution, Development With Timeline)

Top 3 Patanjali Yoga Sutras for Balanced Life (With Meaning & Examples)

Different Definitions of Yoga (From 15+ Scriptures & Roots of Yoga) 

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