Preventing Health Knock Down During Lockdown


“You are what you Eat; Also you are what you don’t Eat”

These lines convey very important messages regarding our health especially at a time when we are facing the Corona lockdown stress and staying in the four walls of our homes. The best part today is we have access to our lives and our health even if things look distressing outside.

Yes, this is the gifted time to forsake our long-standing dietary habits, munching on unhealthy processed foods that make us what we don’t eat, deprived of nutrients, vulnerable to diseases and highly stressed. A balanced diet requires fresh and healthy food that can supply essential nutrients in optimum quantities in order to nourish our entire being at the cellular level.

So, why not turn towards a healthier way of life. Let’s explore our hidden potential and spend quality time with our family preparing savoring recipes that won’t make you guilty conscious for supplying garbage to your body. Seems easier said than done? Kisan window will assist you in getting the organic ingredients & fresh fruits & vegetables from farm to your doorsteps.

Hey Dehradun!

During this lockdown period, the Kisan Window (KIWI) is making consistent efforts to deliver daily essentials within Dehradun and adjoining rural areas. With a surge in demand and phones ringing every 5 minutes, the Kisan Window team is working early hours to prepare the order and taking just 2 hours to negotiate distance and start delivering from 7 am in the morning. Moreover, the delivery is free, irrespective of the quantity ordered and the delivery location. Being vigilant about the safety parameters, social distancing is followed, masks and sanitizers are provided to the staff. Let’s lift our spirits, boost our immunity and come out of this phase with refurbished health with Kisan Window.


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