Strength- Jump, Float, Fly

Strength- Jump, Float, Fly

Immerse yourself in a style, technique or approach in a course of two days that will prepare yourself to do postures that are challenging for you. 

This workshop will teach and weave together some basic elements of strength in yoga practice : how to scoop out the belly, lock the arms, roll the hips. Progressing slowly from forward bends, through plank, and on towards arm balances and handstand lifts, you will be amazed at how accessible these postures can be with the right prep. 

Expect equal parts challenge and fun in a supportive enviornment. 

Suitable for all level. 

Total Intake – 15 people.

Workshop Fees – INR 8000

Facilitator – Evan and Kelly Harris have studied yoga since 2002. They have traveled far and wide practice  under today’s best intructors, and have studied intensively under Matthew Sweeney since 2009. They operate two studies in the US and travel regionally and internationally to teach and train. Technically skilled, spiritually driven, their instruction stays true to the vision of yoga dedicated to truly deep, yet powerfully moder yoga instruction, accessing the contemplative nature of the yoga tradition through the physical practice.

Workshop Schedule

Saturday, 25th August 2018Monday, 27th August 2018
10:00 am – 2:00 pm10:00 am – 2:00 pm
LED MOON SERIES : Find your centre and flow with this vinayasa practice emphasizing hip and spine mobility, backbends and core strength and intuition and equanimity. BUILD A BETTER BACKBEND : Using Urdhva Dhanurasana as a keystone posture, this workshop will identify , open and strengthen the essential elements of backbending through alignment, cues, props and more. Ashtanga Primary Series : Experience the tradition, challenge and potential of Ashtanga Yoga with a practice of the Primary Series. This workshop will include the traditional elements of Sanskrit posture and breath count, as well as detailed cueing and themes to take you deeper into the practice. Build strength, focus and fluidity and see what Ashtanga is all about.

Venue : Seema Sondhi – The Yoga Studio, D-43 Hauz Khas, New Delhi


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