Ancient and traditional are considered to be a symbol of excellence. Maybe because there was a lot to discover for mankind and wise men were on their way to create and present to the world a set of guidelines, principles and truths about the mystery called life. They did this by their own way of learning, experimenting, experiencing and discipline. What they learned as original and raw as an outcome of their perseverance took the form of Sutras or thread or aphorisms to prepare an encyclopedia of almost everything pertaining to life and enlightenment.
Sutras are short, meaningful and succinct which explain a truth, are profound yet unambiguous.
Moreover sutras can be a sermon, teaching and generous enough to convey a message to uplift, inspire and guide people towards self -exploration and wisdom. Sutras can act as manual to learn, absorb and experience the vibrations through chanting and reverberating bringing together mind, Body and soul directed unanimously towards achieving a particular purpose. Sutras came as a medium of learning and memorizing through meaningful words put together allowing people to acquire knowledge just by listening and chanting when majority of people were illiterate. Slowly as generations passed they came to us in the forms of scriptures, written literature and in audio visual form today.
Sutras till date continue to awaken our inner and outer world with the teachings of renowned saints and yogis who unearthed the valuable truths about life through their austere practices at a time when the world was least explored by man. These sutras became the foundation of further progress and advancement both scientifically and spiritually.