Taming The Rage


Things around are changing at the speed of lightning, people are running all day preoccupied mentally beyond one’s capacity to take tasks and thoughts. Day and night trying to survive this worldly demands. Actually we have created machines and in fact are too much influenced by its feature of just respond to whatever comes and move on without giving a thought to the effect it creates. In fact we people are running short of everything be it time, money, patience, contentment and of course right temperament.

If we observe ourselves closely it will be seen that we are losing the traits which characterize us as human beings. It was said by some learned sage that this is how kaliyug will be. Kali a demon. Now who is this demon?It is inside us and the god within us is striving hard to drive him away. Whenever we are about to do something wrong our conscience tries to stop us. The evils inside us especially the rage and anger has clouded our vision now we act before we think and not vice versa. People do wrong around us therefore we have accepted it as a normal course to do whatever we think , instead of preventing arguments we try to take lead and our ego becomes larger than someone’s life. Is it the environment, climatic conditions or someone else who is responsible for this behaviour that instigate us to commit the heinous crimes all over the world.

Let me quote an incident of Washington where a father of a five year old daughter was stabbed to death by an unknown person in front of his little daughter and wife. The reason for the same is not yet identified and the accused and the victim were completely strangers for each other.

In Toronto several people were run over by a car, the reason still unknown. Somewhere we have lost control of our emotional aspect and have started becoming short tempered, distressed and ready to pour our rage on others. Human beings are getting absorbed in their own world of self claimed virtues and vices that they refuse to accomodate any opinion or belief that differs from their own.

Let’s put a stop to increasing crimes due to revenge, greed, hatred and immorality. We need to touch that depth where we can get to meet our true selves. It’s time to yoga to unite our mind,body and soul towards achieving a balance and activating the human instincts of love, tolerance, compassion, hope and contentment. No doubt why people are turning towards this therapeutic power to empower themselves through asana, meditation, right breathing and lifestyle.

Yoga is connecting with god or universal power and doing wrong is connecting with the demon or darkness. World is us when we change the world  and the process has already begun but demon needs to be vanquished with the unanimous efforts from society and people to change their outlook and quit  stereotyping people as good and bad.

The rehab centres and yoga therapists should join together to spread the awareness about the benefits and experiences of yoga and look towards a life full of hope, love,contentment and that harming others is slowly killing the human being within you. Human is respecting other beings.


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