Two things in life never stop they continue till we exist- growing and learning. These two processes are complimentary to each other. As we grow we learn and as we learn we grow. We might grow into a young fellow, into a middle aged person or a seasoned senior citizen, but we definitely gain something may be pleasant or unpleasant from our destiny or our karma. Apart from the physical aspect, other aspects in terms of growth are the mental and spiritual which we call evolution and are quite aware of this term as we are quintessential of evolution into human beings.
Since childhood till we grow old we owe credit to so many people, situations and sources even our intuition which contributes to our learning. The first place of learning is our house, then the people around us and our own analysis of ourselves involving the cognitive learning and acquiring skills and experience. As a trend we initiate our learning in educational institutions and under expert teachers with outstanding skills and notable achievements. But have we ever noticed what make them stand out and what make us call them “Real Teachers” or what inspires us to follow their footsteps? It happens that in our lives we come across many mentors but very few leave an indelible mark on our minds and hearts. This is because these teachers are always learning something and have been through the turbulent times in their lives and have adapted themselves to overcome every situation with a calm and composed demeanor. If we look at renowned yoga teachers like Sri BKS Iyengar, Sharath Jois, Usha Devi and Deepika Mehta, all of them fought with their severe situations and transformed into accomplished people. It was the result of their learning from their situations, discovery of their true self and from their teachers who learned from their own lives. So even if you have completed your education, trained in any or many skills a good teacher is always a learner. Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple Computers famous quote is “Stay Foolish stay Hungry” which means to keep trying new things and challenge your limits. It unfolds your hidden potential. In the same way yoga teachers too travel extensively, interact with different kinds of students and cultures and ascetics share their experiences while they were seeking enlightenment. Ancient sages were able to pass on the traditional legacies in the form of scriptures because they dedicated themselves to learning from their environment, interactions and self-introspection which kept on refining as it passed on to next generation. All renowned yoga teachers continue their research as they wish to discover new horizons and dimensions in their learning and practice.
It is quite evident that a good teacher always has something in store for his students, which comes from his learning be it moral, intellectual or spiritual. A learned person is always humble, sanguine and receptive to both praise as well as criticism. For all great teachers learning is their passion and they love what they do. We all are teachers at some point in our lives and forever seekers all through our lives because learning is a never ending process.
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