International water day just gone by on 22nd March 2019 reminding us of its significance in our lives with a strong caveat to save it as only 3% of water on earth is clean and can be consumed. Further, it is believed that the frequent occurrence of natural calamities is mainly because of water. It’s also a part of nature which is in a state of imbalance because of our exploitation, reckless and short sighted view which is resultantly creating imbalance in our lives too.
Why these 5 elements hold so much of importance in our lives? The reasons are numerous if we ponder over it both philosophically and scientifically. Our body is a complex of these very elements. Moreover the infinity has manifested itself in multiple ways and water is of one of them. Our body consists of 70% water and therefore we require it to maintain balance just like the other five elements to stay healthy and wise not just to survive. People these days are inviting problems by moving away from nature and giving more significance to materialistic possessions. Thus in this hustle bustle we seek peaceful places, loving and inviting like mountains, water bodies and green pastures. Because we are born out of it and long to return sometime just like we return to our homes. But we forget that every element of nature is within us and is a source of inspiration and life.
Water is fluid, transparent like mirror and can give a clear view of things, colorless, odorless and absorbs and dilutes so much of impurities. It nourishes, flows freely, calms, cools, takes various forms as and when the conditions demand but its real nature remains the same, it can wear down hardest objects with a gush. Similarly we humans reflect these attributes in our nature but with a mingling of other 4 elements present within us. It somewhere creates imbalance and creates disturbance and turbulence. With the help of yoga and meditation one can recognize the ever residing nature within to empower us and guide us on the path of awareness through simplicity de-stressing, unrestrained and flowing freely by living in the moment and in harmony with other four elements in balance.
Significance of all these elements once realized will ensure that they are ever most precious, revered and giving than anything ever discovered or invented by humans.