21st June 2015 created massive records in the history of the world by turning almost the entire world around 175 nations out of 193 standing in support of UN resolution to declare 21st June as International Yoga Day.
The consistent efforts of our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and untiring efforts of yoga community, the countries across the world recognized 21st June as an International Day of Yoga. Almost 192 nations participated in the celebration of this eventful day and the world became Yoga- “The Union”.
This day created 2 Guinness records with people from around 84 different nationalities joined the celebration and largest session with around 36,000 participants.
21st June was marked to be a day of celebrating and propagating the unique art of yoga as it is the day of summer solstice in northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year.
Moreover, it was this day when Adiguru turned towards south as the sun started to move southward from Northern hemisphere. It was the time when Shiva- the Adiguru started to teach yogic science to Saptarishis. It is considered to be the first phase of teaching or Sadhanapada.
The best time to connect with divine, enlighten, self-awareness and new beginning. 21st June marks the onset of new season, preparing to harness our energies, sowing and working to reap the desired fruits or results after a phase of diligence. International Yoga Day is a sincere effort to bring nature and man in harmony, generate awareness about health and environment and also the issues of global concerns like depletion of resources, climate change.
The theme for this year’s International Day of Yoga 2019 is Climate Action and how yoga can help by reminding us to be aware and slow down on our reckless behavior towards nature and create a balance with nature to survive and flourish. Thus 21st June holds prominence both scientifically and spiritually and thus globally as International Day of Yoga.
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