Exercise has so many forms and to pick which one is totally our discretion. Every form of exercise has its own benefits but to categorise any particular one on the basis of gender is not thoughtful. Any art that transforms us into a better being should never be confined to any particular genre or class.
Yoga is an ancient legacy and a remedy with no side effects. It strengthens, heals and appeals to everyone who is concerned about its physical and mental wealth. Many of us consider it to be a female’s cup of tea, may be because it involves flexibility and postures which do not involve efforts unlike aerobics or gym workouts. Or may be we don’t get a sturdy and physically attractive structure of desired ratio. This is because of misperceptions and lack of knowledge about yoga. Yoga is neither that simple nor its advantages are limited. Moreover it is apt for everyone irrespective of age, gender, physical or mental set up.
There are infinite benefits of yoga for men and women. It improves blood circulation, boosts immunity, promotes better digestion( indigestion is the root cause of many ailments), prevents and heals diseases like cancer, diabetes (Reuters reported that just three months of yoga in addition to diabetes care resulted in a decrease in body mass index, as well as no increases in blood sugar levels), respiratory problems and strengthens our nervous system. In women it helps to control issues related to menopause in women. It also help fight depression which is quite common in women as compared to men. According to a research done at the University of Illinois participants showed better results in tests of brain functioning after yoga, as compared to their performance after 20 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise
Lower Stress Levels
Yoga lessens the activity of proteins that are known to play a role in inflammation, it thus helps in lowering stress levels according to a study published last year from University of California, Los Angeles researchers.
Alter Gene Expression
According to a small Norwegian study, yoga can alter gene expression in immune cells.
Increased Flexibility
A recent Colorado State University study found that Bikram yoga — a form of yoga in which a series of 26 postures are performed for 90 minutes in a heated room — is linked with greater flexibility and reduced  body fat.
According to the study from University of Pennsylvania researchers found that yoga helps to lower blood pressure. People practicing yoga observed considerable decrease in their blood pressure levels as compared to those who participated in a walking/nutrition/weight counseling program.
Also read: The Magic of Yoga: Witnessing the Metamorphosis of the Soul
Improved Lung CapacityÂ
A small 2000 Ball State University study showed that Hatha yoga if practiced for 15 weeks, could significantly increase vital lung capacity.
Improved Sexual Function
A 2009 Harvard study published in the The Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that yoga could boost arousal, desire, orgasm and general sexual satisfaction for women. Yoga also helps women in understanding their own bodies and improve their sex lives.
Reduced Chronic Neck Pain
A German study published in The Journal of Pain showed that Iyengar yoga (a type of Hatha yoga), is effective in reducing pain intensity in adults suffering from chronic neck and the study done in west Virginia shows that the same helps  in relieving back pain.
Apart from these yoga also provides relief from anxiety, prevents falls in women above 65 years of age, improves mineral bone density and maintains healthy weight.
These are some of the countless features of yoga. Undoubtedly that’s the reason why the UN declared 21st June as International yoga day and many countries around the world celebrated this day with great zeal last year.
The wonder of yoga is profound and can be experienced through regular practice and proper guidance. But, of course, we need to remove that mental hurdle that yoga is meant for the gentle and feminine people. Any exercise can be powerful if it has the capacity to provides mental physical and spiritual balance. Yoga works on every muscle, nerve and bone from head to toe. Resultantly we get a healthy mind in a healthy body. Moreover it has a plethora of forms like Yin yoga, Hath yoga, Ashtanga, Kundalini and many more to choose from that best suites our needs. Yoga provides youthful and a fit body and balanced posture which isn’t cosmetic but real and full of life.
Now I believe that people will shed their misperceptions about this panacea and move towards a wholesome life.