How to Balance Tridosha (Three Doshas) With Panch Mahabhuta in Ayurveda?

The universe is made of Pancha Mahabhuta (five elements of the Universe): Akash (space), Jal (water), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), and Prithvi (earth). These five elements are responsible for the creation of the universe, including humans. 

These elements of Panchmahabhuta in ayurveda work together to create the physical energies of individuals, referred to as “dosha”. The three doshas (tridosha) are the fundamental energies that govern all physical and mental processes in the body. 

Tridoshas are the three bodily energies that govern health and disease: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these five elements and energies are balanced, the body is healthy. When they become out of balance, it can lead to diseases.

Here, let’s know about the three doshas in ayurveda, and understand how to balance tridosha for a healthy life.

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What is Panch Mahabhuta in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, the “Panch Mahabhuta” refers to the five elements or building blocks that make up the universe and everything in it. These elements are considered the foundation of all physical matter, and are thought to influence our health and well-being.

The five elements are:

  • Akasha (space)
  • Vayu (air)
  • Agni (fire)
  • Jal (water)
  • Prithvi (earth)

Each element is associated with specific qualities and characteristics, and it’s believed that the balance or imbalance of these elements within us can impact our health. For example, an excess of air (vayu) can lead to feelings of anxiety or restlessness, while an excess of earth (prithvi) can lead to sluggishness and heaviness. 

In Ayurveda, the goal is to maintain balance among the five elements in order to maintain good health.

What is Tridosha in Ayurveda? Three Doshas Explained

Tridoshas are responsible for the body’s metabolic processes, as well as for its physical and mental characteristics. 

Out of the three, Vata dosha is responsible for movement, Pitta dosha is responsible for heat, and Kapha dosha is responsible for stability.

1. Vata Dosha

Vata dosha is one of the three mind-body elements and is associated with air and space. Vata has many characteristics. It is light, cool, and dry.  

It is responsible for governing all processes in your mind and body, including blood circulation, waste elimination, and breathing. 

If you are a Vata type, your body, mind, and emotional state might display the qualities of the Vata dosha: light, cool, dry, and quick. 

You may have a thin and slender build, with hands and feet that get cold easily. Your skin may also be cool and dry. Additionally, you may find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep, with frequent sleep disorders.

2. Pitta Dosha

The Pitta Dosha, often linked to a strong-minded personality, is based on elements of fire and water. This dosha is representative of qualities such as hot, light, sharp, oily, liquid, and mobile. 

During the summer months, the warm weather helps to nurture the Pitta Dosha making it the perfect season to strive for balance.

People with pitta are known for their muscular physique, are often athletic, and have the potential to become powerful leaders. They can have a strong drive to accomplish goals and have a competitive streak, but this may come across as aggressive and overbearing to some, potentially creating conflict.

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3. Kapha Dosha

Kapha is composed of earth and water elements characterized by steadiness, stability, heaviness, slowness, and softness.

Those with a predominance of Kapha energy tend to be strong, thick-boned, and caring and are renowned for keeping the peace and providing support for those around them. 

People with Kapha energy don’t usually get easily upset and act thoughtfully, taking the time to make measured decisions.

Most often, there are people who have two dominant doshas. If you are a Vata-Pitta person, it means that you have both Vata and Pitta doshas in your body. Vata comes first in the name, if slightly more dominant. 

Thus we have 6 types of Prakriti: 

  • Vata-Pitta person 
  • Vata-Kapha person 
  • Pitta-Vata person 
  • Pitta-Kapha person 
  • Kapha-Vata person 
  • Kapha-Pitta person

Impact or Effect of Tridosha On Our Body and Life

As we progress through life, we are deeply impacted by the three doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha. These powerful energies are believed to be the basic building blocks of all living beings, governing our physical, mental, and emotional behaviour and well-being.

The Kapha Years: Childhood and Growth

Childhood is a special and important stage of life, typically lasting until puberty and consisting of the first 16 years of life. During this period of growth, the body undergoes a number of changes, which are made possible only because of the presence of kapha.

Kapha is the aspect of nature responsible for building new tissues, adding mass to the physical body, and essentially making it possible for small children to become tall and strong adolescents. This means that kapha plays a vital role in the body’s development during these 16 years.

The Pitta Phase of Life: Adulthood

As we journey through life, the second phase of life generally starts from the age of sixteen and lasts up until the age of fifty. This stage is known as the Pitta phase. It is during this time that we begin to observe the primary qualities of pitta. 

While this relationship between adulthood and pitta may not be immediately apparent, if we take a closer look, the association becomes quite clear.

As adults, we have the amazing opportunity to really get to know and understand ourselves. This is a time to access and harness our unique gifts, talents, and skills while creating an identity. Embarking on this journey requires ambition, drive, and focus

Adults during this stage of life can be seen as energetic and goal-oriented, manifesting their leadership skills with a competitive streak.

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The Vata Season of Life: Embracing Elderhood

We all face the natural progression of life that begins with childhood, moves through adulthood, and eventually enters into elderhood. Elderhood marks the vata stage of life and begins around mid-life when we reach the age of fifty. 

From this point forward, our bodies experience an increase in the qualities of vata, which is why this stage is rightly referred to as a vata season. 

Vata’s qualities include dryness, lightness, roughness, mobility, and more. It is important to recognize this transition and embrace the changes that vata brings.

Balancing the three doshas involves understanding your own unique combination of doshas and making lifestyle and dietary choices that support their natural balance. 

To Conclude:

The three doshas govern the creation, maintenance, and destruction of bodily tissues (“dhatus”) and the assimilation and elimination functions. The Pancha Mahabhuta corresponds with three doshas, so the balance or imbalance within one of the elements can cause shifts in the emotional or mental state of the individual. 

The five elements mentioned above offer essentials for the human body to function, so it’s important to have them balanced.

The key to contentment and well-being may lie in embracing the truth that human intelligence and nature’s intelligence are intertwined. 

That is why hellomyyoga and Prasad Rangnekar are providing a five-session workshop starting 4th April to help you tap into the power of the five elements and create a life of joy. 

The workshop will cover each of the five elements one at a time to give you an opportunity to learn how to best utilize the potential of these elements in your life. By the end of these 5 sessions, you’ll have a better understanding of how to evolve toward your fullest potential and live in harmony with Pancha Mahabhuta.