“Ayurveda, the big sister of yoga, is found in the innate laws that govern the natural phenomena of body and due to this its treatment differs from individual to individual.”
Vasant Lad, is the genius behind propagating Ayurveda to the Western world. He is one of the world’s most revered Ayurveda expert who has created an ecosystem to learn and explore Ayurveda through his Ayurvedic Institutes in Santa Fe, New Mexico & Pune, India.
He holds a Bachelor’s of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAM&S) degree from the University of Pune and a Master’s of Ayurvedic Science (MASc) degree from Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya. Vasant Lad’s academic and practical training include the study of Allopathy (Western medicine) and surgery as well as traditional Ayurveda.
In his biography, Vasant lad recalls a beautiful experience of his childhood that led him to embark the journey of Ayurveda. When he found his master, who predicted that he will take Ayurveda to west, he mentioned the hitch of language barrier in this prediction, but his master said, “You don’t have to do anything. Just close your eyes and do your prayers and things will happen.” Vasant Lad, begins his lectures by showing gratitude to his divine master and claims his journey to western countries as his (divine master) mission.
Vasant Lad always shares Ayurveda as pathway of inner pharmacy, it’s a way to live a balanced life, harmony with nature. He suggests that one should learn Ayurveda to learn the constitution of one’s body – Prakruti and during Vikruti, the way to create back the balance once again.
Vasant Lad is author to dozen of books on Ayurveda that serves as comprehensive guides for home remedies and self healing.