Anulom Vilom Pranayama: Meaning, How to Do, Benefits 2025

Physical and mental health are equally important aspects of life for a human being. Just as physical exercises, games, and a balanced diet are important for physical health, gaining the benefits of Pranayama is important for good mental health.

Yoga and its countless health advantages are not new to the world. You don’t need to be a yoga master or be familiar with all the challenging asanas to stay in shape. Breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom Pranayama are among the most often used and simple forms of yoga.

In this write-up, let’s talk about the primary anulom vilom pranayama benefits, along with its meaning and the right way to practice it. 

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Importance of Pranayama

According to ancient yogic science, the foundation of all forms of life is ‘prana.’ The ethereal energy known as prana permeates our bodies and controls every breath we take. 

Prana, often known as the ‘life force energy’ or ‘vital energy,’ is the force that controls both our bodily and mental processes. Food, water, air, and the energies we take in from the universe are all ways it enters the body.

The body’s most subtle form of prana, or breath, is thought to be responsible for our ability to heal, control blood flow, maintain healthy organ function, and promote cellular growth. Through the chakras, which are energy channels, this prana disperses energy.

Because of this, yoga places a high priority on pranayama, or controlling one’s breath. Understanding, generating, and channelling this essential life force in our bodies is the art of pranayama. 

There are various types of pranayama, and each has special health benefits. These consist of the following:

  • Shitali pranayama
  • Anulom Vilom pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati pranayama
  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Sheetkari pranayama
  • Surya Bhedana Pranayama

What is Anulom Vilom Pranayama?

Anulom vilom is a different kind of pranayama that is quite significant. It has a specific meaning in yoga. It is sometimes referred to as an alternate nostril breathing exercise and entails closing one nostril during inhalation and opening the other nostril alternately during exhalation. 

The Sanskrit words ‘Anu’ and ‘Loma’ mean ‘with the grain,’ and ‘viloma’ means “against the grain,” respectively.

The first stage of Nadi Shodhana pranayama in yoga is called Anulom Vilom. It is one of the primary types of controlled breathing exercises.

How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama?

It is advised to carry out this exercise on an empty stomach. Additionally, you should find a relaxed and comfy environment so that you gain all the benefits of anulom vilom pranayama.

How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama?
  1. Sit in a meditative position. While you close your eyes, ensure your neck and spine are straight.
  2. Your outer wrists should rest on your knees. Try to focus on breathing while avoiding distractions.
  3. Fold the middle and index fingers towards your palm.
  4. Put your ring finger over your left nose and your thumb over your right.
  5. While closing your right nostril, breathe deeply and slowly through your left nostril until your lungs are full. Keep an eye on your breathing.
  6. After releasing your thumb, close your left nostril with your ring finger.
  7. Through your right nostril, slowly exhale.
  8. Take a breath through your right nostril, let it out through your left, and then repeat.
  9. Be mindful of how breathing affects your body and thoughts as you process.

If you do this regularly, you will start to experience the benefits of Anulom Vilom. 

Ensure that you don’t push yourself beyond your comfort level while holding your breath. You can always give it another shot. 

Working with a certified yoga instructor or as part of online yoga courses will be helpful if you are yet to get familiar with the proper techniques. 

What Are Benefits of Anulom Vilom Pranayama?

Let’s know the top advantages of anulom vilom pranayama now:

1. Improve Respiratory Health

Several pieces of research show that alternative breathing techniques enhance the respiratory system and keep the lungs healthy. Additionally, it treats respiratory conditions like asthma or chest infections.

2. Better Digestion

One of the top benefits of anulom vilom pranayama is that it improves blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. As a result, it aids in the treatment of constipation as well as any stomach-related problems and diseases. Additionally, it enhances the efficiency of your digestive system.

3. Reduce Stress

As we all know, exercising, joining yoga programs, or engaging in physical activities of any kind helps you reduce cortisol levels, and Anulom Vilom is no exception. Cortisol is the main hormone behind stress. Anulom vilom breathing exercise controls it, which eventually helps in reducing anxiety and stress. 

4. Treat Snoring During Sleep

By clearing blockages in your nose, controlled breathing in Anulom vilom enables smooth and continuous oxygen flow. This guarantees that problems like snoring are subsequently diminished.

5. Healthy Heart

Anulom Vilom helps in cleansing the blood while improving oxygenation. In turn, this aids in controlling blood pressure, lowering the chance of developing heart disease. This is among the crucial benefits of anulom vilom for heart that it reduces chances of life-taking dangers like heart attacks.

FAQs Related to Anulom Vilom Pranayama

1. What are the benefits of Anulom Vilom for the skin?

Alternate-nose breathing helps to cleanse the blood, improve facial blood flow, and raise blood oxygen levels. This gives your face a healthy shine and gives you radiant skin.

2. What are the benefits of Anulom Vilom during pregnancy?

1. It provides ample oxygen to the mother’s body and the baby.
2. More oxygen can relieve joint and muscle pain that a pregnant woman may experience.
3. Prevents anxiety and stress.
4. Breathing exercises can also be very helpful during labor.

3. Is anulom vilom good for lungs?

Yes. Anulom Vilom is good for the lungs.

4. Does Anulom Vilom reduce belly fat?

The Anulom-Vilom component of the Nadi Pranayama serves to facilitate better breathing. Any exercise requires proper breathing, but it’s especially difficult for yoga and aerobics. Additionally, this will aid in weight loss and improved body toning.

5. When should you practice Anulom Vilom pranayama?

The best time to practice this pranayama is early morning, before breakfast.


Anulom vilom is a wonderful breath-control exercise that has a profoundly positive effect on both the mind and the body. The secret to reaping all of its benefits is to perform this exercise when you are at ease and find it enjoyable. To unwind and calm your mind, combine it with your yoga practice and meditation.