Setu Bandhasana: Meaning, Benefits, How to Do And More

Setu Bandhasana:

As per the current trend, yoga is nothing more than a physical form of exercise. However, the statement is not true. Yoga is a much more complex domain and includes many other disciplines. We could say that yoga combines mental, spiritual, and physical practices. The aim is the overall uplifting of human beings. 

Asana is an important integral part of yoga. It relates to all the physical forms of exercise that we perform. In simple languages, we can call them the poses that directly help our physical health. One such helpful asana is setu bandhasana. It is a very popular yoga asana that provides multiple health benefits. 

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What is Setu Bandhasana?

The term is derived from three Sanskrit language words. Three words, i.e., setu=bridge,  bandha=lcoked, and asana= posture, constitute each other to make setu bandhasana. It is also known by the name of bridge pose. It is a great way to improve blood flow in the lower back and pelvic . The backbend is an exceptionally well way to activate several chakras in the body. More particularly, it activates the Anahata, Muladhara, and Vishuddha chakras. 

It is a very basic level yoga asana that anyone can perform. You do not need any advanced knowledge to perform this chakra. It collectively works on the nerves, tissues, and muscles of the back, chest, legs, and thoracic muscles. You need to feel the strength while being in this pose. Picturize yourself as a strong bridge and concentrate all your energy on your svadhisthana. 

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How to Do Setu Bandha Sarvangasana? Step By Step Process

Being a beginner asana, it is easy to learn setu bandha Sarvangasana. However, we insist you initially practice every yoga pose under the trainer’s guidance only. Check out some best online yoga programs to learn yoga asanas perfectly. This is your step-by-step process to perform setu bandha Sarvangasana.

  1. Place a yoga mat on the floor.
  2. Now lie down on the yoga mat.
  3. Bring your knees closer to your hips.
  4. Keep your hand straight and parallel to the body.
  5. Start lifting your core while keeping your hands and feet on the floor.
  6. Create a bridge-like position. 
  7. Hold in the position for a certain time based on your strength.
  8. Now gently bring your body down on the mat.
  9. Rest for a few seconds, and then perform the asana again.
  10. For each repetition, a beginner can do it 8-10 daily for 30 seconds. 

There are a few things that you have to keep in mind while performing this asana. 

  • Try not to eat anything before getting into setu bandhasana.
  • Do not overstretch your body.
  • Always do a quick warm-up.
  • Perform balasana after this pose to relax your body. 

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bridge pose

Setu Bandhasana Benefits for Overall Physical Wellbeing

Performing the asana regularly, setu bandhasana can give your several physical benefits. A few proven benefits of setu bandhasana are:

1. Strengths the Core Muscles

It is a great asana to make your abdomen strong. Studies have shown that practicing setu bandhasana develops muscular strength in the region. 

2. It is a Great Stretching Routine

Apart from building muscles, it is a great way to stretch your body. It is one of the few asanas that provide stretch and builds muscle simultaneously. The target regions are the spine, chest, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen wall. 

3. Helps Control Body Weight

Holding in this pose for a while burns all your abdominal fat, giving you a toned physique. 

4. Enhance Blood Supply

Like muscles, our organs need continuous blood supply for proper functioning. Setu bandhasana is a great way to improve blood supply in all abdominal and pelvic organs. Their functioning improves with enhanced blood supply. 

5. Helps with Menstrual Cramps

Sometimes the pain due to menstrual cramps becomes unbearable. Performing control setu bandhasana can help you reduce menstrual cramps and their discomforts. 

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Setu Bandha Asana FAQs

1. What is the main focal point of Setu Bandhasana?

The spine, hips, and chest are the main areas where setu bandhasana affects. 

2. What is chakra bandhasana?

It is an advanced yoga asana where you have to stretch your back and get into a wheel-like pose with your hand and feet on the floor. 

3. How can I strengthen my pelvic floor muscles?

Performance asanas like Tadasana, Salabhasana, setu bandhasana, and Virabhadrasana II help strengthen pelvic floor muscles. 

4. Does this asana help with sciatica?

Yes, it stretches the buttock and abdomen region, thereby relieving sciatic pain and discomfort. 

5. Is setu bandhasana good for back pain?

Setu bandhasana improves blood circulation in the spine region and muscles around it. A good blood supply is known to lower inflammation levels and reduce pain. 

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If you are into a job that needs more sitting, this is the perfect pose to end your day. People suffering from infertility should definitely try this pose to replenish their reproductive organs. Add this pose to your daily yoga and workout routine to get maximum benefits. Go through our online yoga courses to find some amazing teaching about yoga. 


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