Autophagy & Fasting

Autophagy & Fasting

Autophagy is a process through which the body cleans out damaged cells and regenerates newer, healthier cells. This self-cleaning process is essential for maintaining good health and preventing disease. While “self-eating” may sound like something negative, it’s actually beneficial to your health.

This detoxification process is just like giving your body a reset button – it helps get rid of accumulated toxins and stressors, and promotes survival and adaptation to an ever-changing environment.

How Are Autophagy & Fasting Related?

Fasting, like water fasting, lemon detox cleanse, or Intermittent fasting may help to induce autophagy. When the cell has enough nutrients, autophagy can help to break down damaged components. However, during fasting periods when the cell is deprived of nutrients, autophagy can help to provide the cell with the energy it needs to survive by digesting some of the cell’s components.

Research has shown that water fasting can lower the risk of many chronic diseases and promote autophagy. However, due to limitations in previous studies, there isn’t enough evidence to make an official recommendation yet.

Ayurveda often recommends shorter periods of fasting. It is typically advised to do this regularly -once a week, once a month, or at the junction of seasons- but extended periods are not recommended because they can weaken your digestive system and create a disconnect between your mind and body.

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How Long Do You Need To Induce Autophagy?

Depending on the metabolism and the type of diet followed (BMI, exercise, etc.) significant autophagy may take 2-4 days of fasting. Autophagy begins when glucose and insulin levels drop considerably in the body. Animal studies have shown evidence of autophagy after 24 hrs of fasting, which starts peaking at around 48 hours.

The great thing about fasting is that it helps to clean out your system and get rid of all the built-up junk. Depending on your metabolism, you may start to experience significant autophagy after just two or four days of fasting. This is when your body’s glucose levels really start to break down and get rid of all the unnecessary stuff that’s been clogging it up. 

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Is Autophagy Good For Health?

You might be thinking: does autophagy promote weight loss? or does it improve the immune system? We are here to tell you that autophagy may help with both. During the process of autophagy, your cells are in a period of conservation. At this time, your cells are taking in damaged or non-functioning cell components to produce their energy instead of taking in nutrition from food sources. When your body begins the process of autophagy (self-eating) the cells inside you enter a period of metabolic balance. Cells become new, stronger cells and gain increased resistance to disease.
Recycling degraded cell components can eliminate damaged or infected components, reducing the risk of cancer while also removing accumulated physical toxins and infections that could’ve otherwise created disease.

In the future, autophagy may be a treatment method for many diseases. However, more research must be done to understand the different ways it works and the particular benefits it provides for weight loss. 

Lastly, while extreme dieting practices like autophagy are not advisable, it has been found that basic fasting on a regular basis can be healthful. In this way, you will receive all the benefits of regular fasting without taking up too much time or effort in order to do so. So tune into our IG LIVE next week when we interview Harshvardhan and Dr. Shreejit about how fasting can be beneficial for our modern lifestyle. 

Also read: 8 Tips on Eating Less

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