In Every Part of the Universe Lies an Entire Universe!

In Every Part of the Universe Lies an Entire Universe

One of the most celebrated Hindu festivals, Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna who is the eighth incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu. Many customs have been developed in various regions of India, all based on tales from Krishna’s life. Yet there is one such tale that teaches us a fundamental lesson- In every part of the universe lies an entire universe!

There is the story of an innocent infant Krishna who was wrongly accused of eating mud. Told to open his mouth by his mother, Yashoda, she gasps when she gazes at this innocent child, she began to see the entire universe. Everything was clear and visible – from Earth’s continents to its oceans, she saw it all. As if this wasn’t enough, she also caught a glimpse of the very beginning of time itself.

Humans masquerade as if they are alone in this vast universe, but we’re all one with this universe. In many traditional philosophies, the idea of Identity between Macrocosms and Microcosms is prominent. A microcosm refers to a man or a human being, while a macrocosm alludes to the universe as a whole.

The fundamental structures of all living beings—plants, animals, and humans alike—are the five elements of Panch Maha Bhootas. Panch means five; Maha means supreme; Bhootas means forces. Working together, these five forces of nature can have an incredible effect on the well-being of a person.

hellomyyoga has joined hands with Prasad Rangnekar who has curated a 5 session workshop- Yoga Of The Five Elements: Panch Mahabhuta Sadhna, a 7.5 hours digital program (starting on 17th, 22nd, 24th, and 29th November) where each session will cover one element and we’ll learn how to activate the power of these five elements within ourselves in order to live a joyful life and explore our full potential. 

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