The Fakir – The Book That Deserves Another Read


The Fakir by Ruzbeh N Bharucha, caption says, ” The one who hear the thunder roars, hear the butterfly sighs”. Every time, my glance over these lines, tunes my sensory motor nerves to produce an action of talking to myself. Give myself a moment and breathe in that moment.

Imagine if the cover says so much, what the book has inside? 

It’s the mesmerising journey of self-realization, I would say people planning to pick Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda should pick this book first. It prepares you for the miraculous world of self-realization.

Believe me or not, while reading this book, each time you will bounce back. The book quotes lines that connects so well with our situation that you actually stops boomerang effect of karmas. 

“Only mankind is interested in results. Nature only wants to know your intentions.” (lines from the book)

This book is perfect food for spiritual journey. The main character of the book befallen to the tragedies one after another due to his self-centred life, later he overcomes and attains peace of mind with the practice of surrender to ultimate power. 

The book is woven around this man’s journey – past, present and his learning through the practice of ‘Aparigraha’.

A beautiful message of ‘Aparigraha – practice to let go’ is send through a story of self-centred person who loses many battles of life but later learns to reboot himself and attains ultimate peace.


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