Good fortune and an easy way through life are what we all crave. It doesn’t take much to imagine how wonderful it would be if we had a little bit of everything. The friendly deity Ganesha, sitting atop his small mount – a mouse – is here for those who need him most. Just looking at him makes you feel happy.
Lord Ganesha is different from other gods. Many people worship him throughout the year, not just during Ganesh Chaturthi. For example, you can find idols of him in many places such as at home, at work, and in cars. This happens because Hindus believe that praying to Lord Ganesha brings good fortune and a successful future.
Knowledge of the Seen and Unseen is the great message of Ganapathi. Ga means Buddhi (intellect). ‘Na’ means Vijnaana (wisdom). ‘Pathi’ means Master. So, Ganapathi is the Master of all knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. In addition to this, another significant meaning for his name is that he is the Leader of all Ganas who is Celestial – he also goes by Vinayaka; which literally translates to mean ‘[one] without a master’.
He symbolizes the consciousness which is omnipresent and brings peace to this world.
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Why Lord Ganesha is the one who is worshipped first?
There are many legends regarding Lord Ganesha but the most well-known one tells of how his mother, Goddess Parvati had asked him to guard the gate leading to her chamber. When he refused entry even to Lord Shiva, he sliced off Ganesha’s head. Enraged at this disrespect, she vowed to destroy the world if he wasn’t restored. And so it came that Lord Shiva placed his decapitated son’s head with an elephant’s, granting him divine status while decreeing all prayers begin with invoking His name before anything else.
Hence, before beginning any new endeavor, people pray to Ganesh because he symbolizes stability and support. Every project blessed by him shall be accomplished without hindrance
Ganesha is the driving energy behind all of existence. It is Ganesha who manifested all things into being; it is Ganesha who would dissolve all things back into nothingness as well.
As the Auspicious Lord of new beginnings comes into our home, we eagerly prepare for the ten-day Ganesh Chaturthi festival.
The importance of Ganesh is that he is able to solve any problem at hand. However, this does not mean that he can just wave his hand and magically make everything better for you without fail. He symbolizes an intelligent mind and a balanced mind. If you have these two things, then you are free from worries; no obstacle will stand in your way because if you are sharp and well-balanced enough, there won’t be anything to worry about.
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Symbolism and Significance of Ganesha
- Ganesha’s large stomach symbolizes total generosity and complete acceptance of all that he encounters.
- One of Ganesha’s hands is raised to symbolize protection while the other displays an open palm offering something. This can be interpreted as saying Don’t fear, for I am with you. His other hand is also shown poised to give something or show submission; which could also mean that we are all destined to return back to earth one day.
- Ganesha also possesses a single tusk, which symbolizes a focused mind.
- It seems almost unfathomable, how an elephant-headed God could stand on such a small animal (mouse); yet even this has some meaning. The mouse does not fear being stomped because it knows it will go unharmed. It nibbles and nuzzles until it is able to break free from all restraints binding its potentiality – much like a mantra that breaks down ignorance one layer at a time leading people towards enlightenment (represented by Ganesha!).
- He holds an ‘Ankusa’ (for enlightenment) and a ‘Paasa’ (for balance). If one is too spiritually awakened, they will lose control over their own energy.
Let us keep this deep meaning in mind as we experience what is all around us through the powerful representation of Gods like Lord Ganesha; while at the same time, remembering he is within each one of us too. This is the wisdom you should carry with you today as you celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi.