Good Sleep For Good Health

Good Sleep For Good Health

Sleep is not waste of time, sleep is incredibly important to maintain healthy body & mind. Of late Milind Soman, an Indian model –actor- fitness promoter set another fitness resolution of “7 hour Marathon” everyday goal. Surprisingly, this 7 hour marathon is not his love, ‘running’ but it is for sleeping.

Chat on the Mat With Dr. Supriya Vaish

Here, we chat on mat with Dr Supriya Vaish, on sleep hygiene and its importance in good health.

HMY : Can sleeping habits make “big” difference in life ?

Dr. Supriya : This can be undoubtedly said that sleeping habits make ‘major’ difference in life. It is an irreplaceable part of healthy lifestyle advocated right from the time of vedas. 

HMY :We are hugely aware about food hygiene but so little on sleep hygiene, what is sleep hygiene, do you think it is equally important?

Dr. Supriya : Sleep hygiene is a set behaviours or instructions that should be part of daily sleep routine, and which benefit in maintaining a normal healthy sleep without any use of pills or drugs. It is important to be aware of our sleep related behaviours which might be the only reason for many problems related to our disturbed sleep and health.

HMY : How does overdo or lack of sleep affects our subconscious and conscious mind?

Dr. Supriya : Every living being requires an adequate amount of sleep, guided by their internal clock, which in turn, is fine tuned for each individual. It is scientifically proven fact that it is during sleep that memories are solidified. All information learned throughout the day requires a good healthy sleep to be correctly stored in unconscious mind so that it can be retrieved back to conscious mind whenever need be.

HMY : Suggest us some tips for natural sleep.

Dr. Supriya

  • One should maintain a regular sleep routine
  • One should avoid frequent naps if possible as they reduce sleep debt
  • Don’t stay in bed awake for more than 10-15 minutes
  • Don’t watch TV or read in bed. Bed is use for sleep that should be used for no other purpose like laptop work, mobile chatting, etc.
  • Have a quiet, comfortable bedroom
  • Avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks, alcohol and other activating substances before sleep
  • Have a relaxing pre bedtime routine like warm bath, reading non stressful books
  • Performing relaxation exercises like progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing can help in better sleep
  • Should avoid alarms clocks or mobiles on or near bed. And should also avoid constantly looking at clock or mobiles at night time for seeing time
  • Sometimes paradoxical intentions especially in patients prone to anxiety help where in place of constant worrying about sleeping person is advised to perform reverse mental revision of not wanting to sleep
  • It is important that people with anxiety should avoid discussing or ruminating matters concerning problems and worries during bedtime
  • These are more or less some of the sleep hygiene tips that a person should be aware off in order to achieve a healthy refreshing sleep

HMY : Young parents or workaholics or students do not get enough sleep, at times entire week they lack good sleep and try to cover up over the weekends. But does that really helps, too much sleep some days and too less other days?

Dr. Supriya :  Erratic sleep patterns can do small and long term damage to multiple brain functions including :-
Cognition – memory, learning, planning, attention and concentration
Mood – Dysphoria, irritability, mood swings, anger, anxiety, sadness

In students specifically forgetfulness, poor concentration and difficulty in attending to or storage of new information is also interfered with leading to academic difficulties and poor performances. 

HMY : Are their list of foods that enhance or interfere sleep ?

Dr. Supriya :  Food items which contain tryptophan (a neurotransmitter in many food items have been known to enhance sleep) are recommended during night including milk, turmeric, nuts, prunes, almonds, certain fruits like banana, cantaloupe, herbal warm drinks. All these food items can improve upon the sleep cycles.

Heavy meals, fatty food, junk food, coke, caffeine, cocoa, tannin containing food items all the advised to be avoided before going to sleep as they interfere with sleep onset. Moreover, it is recommended that evening meal should be taken at least 2-3 hours prior to going to sleep.

HMY : What is power nap? Any age group can fit in power nap or there are trained minds who can take complete benefits of it?

Dr. Supriya :  Power nap is a 15-20 minutes brief sleep schedule beneficial for people of all age groups, advised for restful mind and overcoming mind and body fatigue. This is often advocated as a part of sleep hygiene during the early afternoon hours, in order to avoid disruptive prolonged sleeping hours in afternoon or evening as it interferes with normal sleep at night.

Seven hours marathon by Milind Soman, any message to the fitness enthusiasts who are following it.

Good sleep is the age old and scientifically proven golden rule to healthy body and healthy mind. Many psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety disorders, Post traumatic stress disorders others are also associated with sleep disturbances. Thus, it is advisable to consult a specialist regarding the same if sleep remains disturbed in spite of sleep hygiene.

Dr. Supriya Agarwal is a renowned Indian psychiatrist who practices psychiatry and is founder of Healing Minds. Healing Minds is a social endeavour to promote mental wellness and psychiatric awareness and also provides treatment and management of various psychiatric disorders.

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