Top 10 Reasons for Joining Ultimate Yoga Therapy Program


Yoga is a holistic practice that offers many mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. Yoga medical therapy training will teach you how to best deliver this ancient wisdom to others through your
teaching skills. Understanding Yoga Therapy is one of the many milestones in a yoga instructor’s life. As a teacher, your experience with Yoga changes drastically depending on how often you teach it and how much attention you pay to individual needs according to their health conditions and lifestyle imbalance.

But even the most experienced instructors reach their limits sometimes – and its during these moments that we start to see the advantages of becoming a Medical Yoga Therapist.

As a Yoga Therapist, you become capable of observing someone’s alignment with the muscular imbalances investigated from their general activities and applying the basics of medical yoga therapy to help them reach equilibrium and a sense of calm through this drugless healing.

Our program with Dr. Deepak Sachdeva will teach you about anatomy, pathology, and above all else how to make individualized yoga sequences for your client that incorporates yoga’s therapeutic practices. Yoga is a natural remedy like many others, but it shouldn’t be used without knowledge or understanding of its effects. In this program, you will learn how yoga can be a drugless therapy to many problems.

Why Should You Join the Ultimate Yoga Therapy Program?

1. Medical answers to what is happening during each of the asanas.
2. Eliminate or reduce the risk of getting injured while practicing asanas.
3. Understanding the medical reports of clients like MRIs and X-Rays.
4. Effective results with minimum effort.
5. Bringing accuracy to your ongoing yoga class.
6. Precision and alignment in yoga postures.
7. Reducing dropouts from your class.
8. Allows you to continue to deepen your understanding of Yoga and your personal growth.
9. You’ll work with effective Yoga techniques and tools to bring wellness to your client’s body, mind, breath, emotions, and spirit.
10. Not only that, after completion of the session the Alumni Cell is formed where you can always come back in case you face any problems or have doubts while treating patients.

At hellomyyoga, we consider our Yoga Therapy Program one of our most effective programs.

This yoga therapy program has a hybrid plan of action which means we have 15 digital classes followed by on-floor training in the medical yoga center with Dr. Deepak Sachdeva.

There will be the following sessions that will be taken care of in this program:

Neck, Arm & Shoulders


1. Anatomy of Neck, Arm & Shoulders
2. Movement Nomenclature
3. Simpler techniques to learn the nomenclature of the muscles
4. Muscles involved in the different movements of the neck, arm & shoulders
5. The intersection study of blood vessels, nerves & muscles


1. Common troubling points of Neck, Arms & Shoulders & Yoga Therapy to fix it
2. Musculoskeletal disorders of Neck, Arms & Shoulders & Yoga Therapy to fix it
3. Study of X-RAY & MRI Films for diagnosis & creating Yoga Therapy
4. Do’s & Don’t to be taken care of while dealing with injuries

Lower Back & Hip Joints


1. Bones of the Lumbar Spine, Pelvis, and Thighs
2. Bone landmarks
3. Muscles of the Lumbar Spine, Pelvis, and Thighs
4. Movements
5. Actions
6. Functions
7. Common pathologies
8. Do’s and Don’t


1. Nerves of the lumbar region
2. Plexus
3. Pathologies
4. Lumbar Spondylitis
5. Facet joint arthropathy
6. Sacroiliitis,
7. Slip disc,
8. Nerve pinching,
9. Piriformis syndrome,
10. Questions to be asked to a patient before starting the treatment
11. Introduction to MRI of lower back

Knee, Ankle and Foot


1. Bones of the feet, legs
2. Bone landmarks
3. Muscles of the feet, legs
4. Movements,
5. Actions,
6. Functions
7. Common pathologies
8. Do’s and Don’ts
9. Alignment of the legs and the weight-bearing axis.
10. Arches of the foot and their role in a healthy knee joint


1. Pathologies:
● Meniscus tear
● Ligament injuries
● Knee osteoarthritis
● Patellar dislocation
● Chondromalacia Patella
● Nerve pull at the back of the leg
● Hamstring pull
● Flat/ prone/ high foot arches
● Cramps in the calves
● Calcareous Spurs
● Three common fracture sites of the foot
● Bunion
● Gout

2. Questions to be asked to a patient before starting the treatment
3. Introduction to X-rays of Knee and Foot

We along with Dr. Deepak Sachdeva have collectively devoted years of experience to creating an Integrative Yoga Therapy Program designed to thoroughly guide our students, healers, and instructors to gain a systematic understanding of body anatomy and pathology.


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