The Aura at Aurovalley Ashram, Rishidwar: Details, Yoga, Activities

aurovalley ashram rishidwar

Our mind wanders throughout the day in search of peace and belongingness. Then one day, we decide to go to a place where we can just sit and listen to the sound of nature. This place doesn’t demand anything but takes us in its lap and comforts us with its soothing silence, soft breeze and musical sounds of its creatures.

Aurovalley Ashram, Rishidwar

Aurovalley Ashram in Rishidwar is that awesome place which is dedicated to the service of mankind and is always there to support human beings irrespective of the caste colour or gender of a person.

Founded in 1985 by Swami Brahmdev, it is a non-profit organization registered as a yoga institution by the government of India. lt is located in close vicinity to Rajaji National Park. This ashram is inspired by Sri Aurobindo, and Mata Mirra Alfassa, the spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo.

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About Swami Brahmdev

Swami Brahmdev is a spiritual teacher and the founder of Aurovalley Ashram in Rishidwar, India. He is known for his teachings on Integral Yoga, which is a holistic approach to yoga that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and spiritual philosophy.

He was born in 1953 in a small village in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. He began his spiritual journey at a young age and was initiated into the path of yoga by his guru, Swami Gitananda, a prominent yoga teacher and scholar in India.

After completing his formal education, Swami Brahmdev devoted his life to the study and practice of yoga. In 1987, he founded Aurovalley Ashram in Rishidwar, which is located in the foothills of the Himalayas. The ashram is dedicated to the practice of Integral Yoga and is open to people of all religions and nationalities.

Swami Brahmdev’s teachings are based on the principles of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who were spiritual leaders and philosophers in India. He emphasizes the importance of developing a holistic approach to yoga that includes physical, mental, and spiritual practices.

He has authored several books on yoga and spirituality, including:

  • “Yoga: A Way of Life”
  • “Integral Yoga”
  • “The Spiritual Journey”

He has also conducted workshops and retreats on yoga and spirituality in various parts of the world.

Today, Swami Brahmdev continues to guide and inspire people on the path of yoga and spirituality. His teachings and the Aurovalley Ashram are a testament to his commitment to spreading the message of Integral Yoga and the unity of all religions and cultures.

Yoga at Aurovalley Ashram in Rishidwar

The Aurovalley Ashram teaches integral yoga, which aims to understand the real self and the divinity present in every being. Integral yoga is a combination of classical spiritual yoga with other forms like jnana yoga, karma yoga and bhakti yoga. Each individual can practice yoga which brings him closer to the divine.

Activities at Auro Valley Ashram

The day starts at 6 am with collective mediation followed by yoga asanas and a slot dedicated to karma yoga where people can involve in the daily chores of the ashram according to their choice.

There are also other activities if one wants to practice karma yoga or study. Moreover, Swami Brahmdev is always there to unsolve the mysteries of life and answer the queries of people.

Regular yoga classes, satsangs and kirtans provide enlightenment to the soul and peace to the mind.

Aurovalley runs courses on integral yoga throughout the year. People come here with their families and spent time in activities of their interest like swimming, walks, music or dancing. It helps in the complete transformation of the soul and allows a person to adopt the virtues of yoga in their daily lives too. Like most of the ashrams, the food served here is satvik. The ashram has a plethora of literature to nurture the mind.

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Aurovalley Ashram Cost (Entry Price)

To go to this ashram, you need to fill the reservation form at its official website. Only accepted forms or invited people can go.

One notable feature  is the kadam tree planted in the ashram which was nurtured with the soil from 29 countries, it is a symbol of one universe.

The ashram also promotes initiatives to help unprivileged children to learn and grow. It encourages people to serve society according to their capacity and happiness in any way, be it monetary, material, intellectual or spiritual.

Aurovalley is home to family members from all across the world, and everyone belongs to this kutumb.


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