Hanuman Stories: Timeless Teachings for Today’s World

hanuman stories

The epic tales of Ramayan are incomplete without Hanuman. Known by several names, including Hanuman, Maruti, Anjaneya, Bajrangbali, Pavanputra, Mahavira, Sankat Mochan, etc., each name highlights different aspects of his character and attributes. A revered figure in Hindu mythology and one of the most well-known deities in Hinduism, Hanuman is known for his unwavering devotion, incredible strength, and loyalty.

Believed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva, the birth of Hanuman is attributed to the wind god, Vayu. His role in Ramayana and exemplary qualities make him an influential figure in Hindu culture and a beloved deity for individuals. Despite all the blessings he was bestowed with Hanuman, he embodied humility. This and various other qualities make him an ideal deity to replicate because he teaches us many practical ways to apply in our lives and fulfilling and meaningful lives. 

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Hanuman Stories and Lessons to Learn

His life, deeds, and character are huge benchmarks to emulate. There are plenty of great lessons we can learn from the Mighty One. Here are some stories about Hanuman and important lessons you can learn:

1. Loyalty, Humility, and Selflessness

The Gods sent Sursa, the mother of nagas(serpents), to test him while Hanuman crossed the sea on his way to Lanka. She assumed the form of a fearful demon and told him that he couldn’t pass without going through her mouth. On acknowledging her strength, Hanuman acted tactfully by expanding himself larger than Sursa’s mouth. She made her mouth bigger and bigger when suddenly, Hanuman shrunk into his original size, immediately entered her mouth, and came out before getting trapped in her mouth. In this manner, Hanuman respected Sursa’s condition and saved his life. This impressed Sursa; she assumed her actual form and blessed Hanuman.


Awareness of our strengths is good, but that doesn’t mean we should consider ourselves superior to others. Always be humble no matter how much we have achieved. Also, many times, you cannot win challenges by force only. One should use their intellect to adapt to the situation and find the best possible solution. Only being strong or competent doesn’t always lead to victory. Humility and modesty are equally important.

2. Strive to Live a Simple Life in the Service of Others

Hanuman and Ravana both possessed mental and physical powers. Both were granted boons from Lord Brahma, which made them invincible. However, both had completely opposite natures. Ravana used his powers to fulfill his ambitions; his lust and greed for power had grown to an extent, overpowering his soul and leading to his ultimate downfall.

Conversely, Hanuman spent his whole life in the service of Lord Rama. Although he had great powers, he had no lust for materialistic wealth and luxuries. He was entirely and selflessly devoted to Lord Rama. By this, he earned the undying gratitude and love of Lord Rama and his kinsmen, along with everlasting respect and immortality.


The relentless pursuit of power and wealth overpowers our souls and will cause ultimate destruction. However, this doesn’t mean we must stop pursuing wealth. We must pursue our ambitions by all means but look to earn fame and wealth through the right path, by virtue, by doing good deeds, etc. This earns us people’s respect, and no one will grudge your fame and wealth.

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3. Embrace The Thirst for Knowledge

Eager to learn, young Hanuman went into a gurukul (a teacher’s home) to learn from the wise Vishwamitra. Even though the guards caught Hanuman, the teacher was amazed by his hard work and eagerness to learn. He chose to let him become a student. Hanuman studied hard and always looked for knowledge while he was at the Gurukul.


In Hanuman’s story, we learn how important it is to have a thirst for knowledge from a young age. His resolve to go to school despite the problems shows how important it is to be curious and keep learning. Also, read our blog on the Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa and know the miraculous benefits it offers.

4. Keep Your Senses in Control All the Times

Hanuman was a celibate with supreme control over his senses. Being blessed with boons that made him invincible, he always used them to serve others and never for his own selfish gain. Hanuman was never overtly proud of his own strength and never lusted for wealth, power, or kingdom. He rarely came under the sway of emotions and anger and made rational, thoughtful decisions, even in high duress times. Hanuman respected everyone, especially women, which earned him the admiration and respect of all his friends and mainly of Lord Rama.


Try completely controlling your emotions, thoughts, desires, and words. The one who loses self-control gets easily manipulated and controlled by someone serving their selfish needs. Those who strive to maintain themselves don’t make irrational decisions in a hurry to repent them later. Further, they earn the respect and admiration of others. Hence, strive to be in control of yourself all the time. Moreover, respect begets respect. 

5. In Times of Adversity, You Meet Your True Strength

In the Ramayana, after Ravana kidnapped Sita, Hanuman, Jambavanth, Angad, and the Vanaraa clan commenced the search for her in the southern direction, leaving no stone unturned in their search. Upon hearing the news, everyone was elated when the wingless vulture, Sampathi, informed them that Ravana had kidnapped Sita. At that moment, Jambavanth remembered Hanuman had superhuman strength and easily jumped across to Lanka by enlarging his form. 

However, the problem was that Hanuman himself wasn’t aware of his great powers because of the curse given to him by the sage in his childhood. Jambavanth gently reminded him of the boon he had received and pleaded with him to make the superhuman jump to Lanka. When Hanuma realized it was the only way to reach Lanka, he accepted and found that he could increase his form to gigantic proportions. Roused by his newfound skills, he made the legendary leap to Lanka.


All of us have a few incredible hidden powers within us that stay hidden as we are mostly unaware of them. Humans tend to stay well within their comfort zone, avoiding challenges; hence, they never get a chance to exercise these powers. We only realize our true strength and potential when we face adversity. We can do incredible things if we have the strength and the courage not to give up. Therefore, don’t despair. Whenever you are in deep distress and adversity, remember it is a test placed by God on us. He wants us to come out of our shells, face challenges, and realize our inner strength and power. 

6. Change Your Attitude and Behaviour Per Situation

Hanuman changed his form to assume gargantuan proportions to make a huge jump over to Lanka. After reaching Lanka, he wanted to sneak inside Ravana’s palace to search for Sita without attracting undue attention. So, he changed his size to become as small as a common monkey to go through undetected.

After meeting Sita, he was discovered, and there was a great fight between him and the demons. Ravana ordered his son Meghnaadha to let loose Brahmastra to subdue Hanuman. Meghnaadha complied. After his capture, Hanuman was brought before Ravana and showed no remorse or fear for his actions. This infuriated Ravana, and ordered Hanuman’s tail to be set ablaze to teach him a lesson. Hanuman chose to comply because he wanted to examine the city’s geography and look at vantage points that could be useful later during the war. When Hanuman thought he had seen ample, he instantly broke free from his bonds and, with his fiery tail, set the whole kingdom of Lanka ablaze.


We shouldn’t be overtly boastful of our powers and situations and behave as the situation demands. Wisdom lies in understanding when to show your true strength. Discretion is the best part of valor. Excessive and unrequited, showing your strength, particularly against those who cannot fight back, brands you as a bully and makes people lose their respect for you. Humility is a virtue and helps us earn people’s respect and trust; however, when the time and occasion arises, don’t hesitate to show your true mettle.

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7. Never Compromise on Your Ideals

During the war between Hanuman and Meghnaadh in Ashok Vatika, to vanquish Hanuman, Meghnaadh used the power of Brahmastra. Hanuman did not use his strength to break the Brahmastra because he didn’t want to reduce the significance of a weapon that Lord Brahma made. Instead, he bowed in front of it. 


We may encounter situations where it may be easier to do something against our morals. Yet, never compromise on your ideals just to achieve something. 

8. Absolute and Selfless Devotion to Cause

Once, Sita gifted Hanuman a necklace strung with precious pearls. He inspected every pearl thoroughly and then threw aside the necklace that surprised Sita and all those present. When asked why, he replied that the precious pearls contained no trace of Lord Rama, and anything or everything not associated with Lord Rama was useless to him.


Be entirely and selflessly devoted to your cause, career, and ultimate goal, giving your utmost to it. Discard or cast aside anything that doesn’t add value to your career, no matter how lucrative or attractive it may look. Continued selfless and dedicated commitment to your profession will reap rich returns in the long run, and your work will be recognized and rewarded sooner or later. The good that you give away will surely come back your way.

9. Surround Yourself with Good Company

Often said, a person is recognized by the company he/she keeps, and not without good reason. Hanuman was fortunate to have good and able-minded friends and well-wishers as a company. 


You need true friends and well-wishers who inspire and pull you up during tough times. True friends are your source of strength; always wish for your well-being. False and sycophantic friends only crave your company for their own selfish benefits and won’t hesitate to abandon you when things are not going well.

10. Think of Unconventional and Innovative Solutions to Solve Issues

During the war against Ravana, Lakshmana was grievously wounded. Hanuman was required to obtain a precious herb (Sanjeevani Booti) from a mountain in the Himalayas to save his life. Upon reaching the mountain, he realized that in his haste to get hold of the herb, he forgot to ask what the herb looked like. Lakshmana’s life was erratic, and every second of delay would push him closer to death. Therefore, Hanuman, without any further ado and delay, uprooted, lifted, and carried the whole mountain all the way to Lanka. It worked out as the medics could create the medicine quickly, saving Lakshmana’s life.


When you face a challenging situation and conventional methods do not work, don’t hesitate to think of unconventional methods to solve the problems. Be innovative and creative, no matter how absurd or impossible they might look. This will set you apart from the crowd. 

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Mythological epics teach us essential values and lessons of life. Through Hanuman in Ramayana, we learn several advantageous qualities we can imbibe in ourselves. Though we cannot be like him, we should strive to emulate his deeds daily. Only then shall we live satisfying lives and gain everlasting peace, respect, and happiness.

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