How to Find Peace of Mind and Happiness? Expert Guide

How to Find Peace of Mind and Happiness?

What comes to your mind when you come across the term “peace of mind?” or When did you last feel at peace or experience peace of mind?

We live in a society where the noise of our thoughts and anxieties consumes us daily. Achieving happiness and inner peace can be difficult in such a fast-paced world. We are constantly awaiting the next thing in our lives, which can be one of the aspects that disrupt our internal calm. 

21 March is known as the World Day for Inner Peace. It was set up to spread the message of peace in places where inner and outer peace is challenging. However, inner peace is something we all look for, no matter where we are from and what situation we are in.

In this blog, we will share how to find inner peace and happiness using fifteen proven ways.

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What is Inner Peace?

Inner peace is the state of calm you feel within yourself. It’s an achievable state of mind that has everything to do with how you feel internally instead of what’s happening around you.

Peace is our most natural state of being. If we do not return regularly to our hearts and the stillness within, we will most likely be permanently hyperactive, overstimulated, exhausted, or even burnt out. The world around us could be chaotic and stress-inducing, but inner peace will likely be your default modus if you try to keep calm no matter what.

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What is the Meaning of True Happiness?

Happiness, a state of mind, is characterized by positive emotions, contentment, and fulfillment. It is a stronger feeling than joy and is often associated with a sense of meaning and purpose in life. When you are happy, you experience a state of being satisfied, and your energy and awareness are heightened.

It is not just a momentary feeling of bliss but a state of being sustained over time. A complex emotional state involves various components, including positive emotions, life satisfaction, and a sense of meaning and purpose. People experience happiness differently, and what makes one person happy may not necessarily make another person happy. 

It is an essential component of human emotions that leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Why is it Important to Find Peace of Mind and Happiness?

Finding your happiness and peace results in fewer worries, anxieties, stressors, and fears. Peace and happiness are linked to achieving self-actualization. 

The benefits of finding that state of balance in your life are:

  • Better everyday function in handling your daily affairs
  • Enhanced energy levels and improved emotional management
  • Fewer worries, less stress, less drama, and positive thoughts
  • Not being easily affected by negative comments from society
  • Ability to learn how to deal with challenging emotions
  • A kind and compassionate treatment of other people
  • Ability to have a clear judgment while dealing with stressful challenges
  • Better sleep quality

Are Happiness and Peace the Same?

Peace and happiness

Peace and happiness are intertwined. Happiness is an emotional response to external stimuli. It’s typically fleeting, ebbing and flowing with the tides of life’s circumstances. It could be the joy you feel when you land your dream job or the exhilaration of a fun day out with friends. But happiness, in this sense, can be temporary and often dependent on outside factors.

On the other hand, peace of mind is an internal state of being. It’s a sense of calmness and tranquility that isn’t easily shaken by external events. Spiritual peace is a deep-seated serenity that remains steady regardless of the chaos and uncertainty that life can sometimes bring.

So, while happiness and peace aren’t the same, they are deeply interconnected. A peaceful mind leads to more consistent, long-lasting happiness. When you are at peace, you are better equipped to handle life’s challenges without being thrown off balance. You become more resilient, flexible, and more able to find joy in the simplest things.

A quiet mind is a fertile soil in which happiness, the beautiful flower, grows and flourishes. By cultivating peace within our minds, we pave the way for genuine, lasting happiness to manifest in our lives. After all, real happiness is peace of mind.

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What does Mental Peace look like in Daily Life?

These are some of the signs and characteristics of happiness and peace:

  • Feeling comfortable in your skin and at ease with yourself
  • Being content with your life and accepting situations the way they are
  • Feeling confident to manage anything that comes your way
  • Able to take day-to-day stressors in your stride
  • Not dependent on others’ approval for your happiness
  • Being empathetic toward others and able to build healthy relationships
  • A calm and positive outlook on life

How to have Peace of Mind and Happiness?

Do you have racing thoughts and find yourself constantly worrying? An anxious mind is truly distressing. If you are wondering where to find peace of mind in life, here are 15 simple and powerful tips:

1. Meditation

Meditation has many proven physical, emotional, and mental benefits. In particular, practicing mindfulness meditation prevents depression and decreases anxiety. Read a book on meditation, try yoga, practice 40–45 minutes of mindfulness meditation daily at home, or listen to a guided meditation on a podcast. These can all help you find your path to peace and happiness. 

2. Exercise Helps

It is now well-researched that physical activity helps keep your body in shape and positively impacts your mood and overall well-being. This can include dancing to your favorite music, an intense workout at the gym, or even taking the stairs.

3. Love Yourself

How can you be delighted in life if you cannot love yourself? Loving yourself means looking after your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. A healthy relationship with yourself and practicing self-care, you project this positive energy toward others. Imagine how peaceful and happy your life can be when you feel good about yourself. Healthy self-love, too results in good relationships with the people around you. 

4. Live in the Present

How often do you feel stuck in the past or anxious about the future? As you know, the present moment is all we truly have. Embrace it, live it. Life unfolds in the now. When doing daily tasks like eating, walking, or even doing chores, try fully immersing yourself in the experience. Observe how your surroundings look, sound, smell, and feel. It’s like giving your brain a mini-vacation, and the effect induces a sense of inner peace. 

5. Journal

Journaling is an outstanding practice for unearthing what’s going on in your mind and heart. Get your swirling, chaotic thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Sit down with a blank paper and write. Word vomit all over the page. Don’t edit yourself. And don’t lie or hide from yourself. The goal isn’t to be pretty, eloquent, or make sense—it’s to get in touch with what’s happening inside your head.   

6. Social Media Detox

This may sound like a no-brainer, but we are glued to our screens all day. If there’s one significant cause that disrupts peace of mind, it is social media. It causes a fear of not living our best lives when comparing ourselves to other people’s stories and posts. This alone will disrupt your inner peace. So, saying bye to your phone more often is an excellent idea if you like to keep your inner peace high.

7. Positive Mindset

Our minds are powerful things that act as our greatest ally or worst enemy. It’s all about the way we use them. We develop our inner peace by cultivating a positive mindset by focusing on the good.

Kickstart your day on a positive note. Jot down what you are excited about or grateful for in a journal. If a negative thought tries to sneak in, cross it out and replace it with something positive.

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8. Cultivate Gratitude

Joyous gratitude makes us happier and healthier. While we focus on gratitude, we become more mindful of the blessings in our lives. We appreciate what we have instead of dwelling on what we don’t.

Cultivating gratitude is straightforward: every day, take a moment to think about the reasons to be happy. What made today special? Did someone do something kind for you? Did you get to see a pleasing sunset? No matter how unpleasant your day may have been, you can always look for something to be thankful for. With time and practice, thinking of these reasons becomes second nature.

9. Practice Non-judgement

This is about observing your thoughts and emotions without labeling them good or bad. By practicing non-judgment, you create space for acceptance and inner peace. When you catch yourself being judgmental, remember it’s just a thought. It’ll pass just like a cloud in the sky.

10. Avoid Self-pity

Your inner narrative plays a significant role in your daily happiness. Conversation with your inner self, the thoughts that run through your mind, and the false stories you tell yourself significantly impact your life. Positive self-talk boosts your confidence and empowers you to go out confidently to accept challenges and seize newer opportunities. This improves your mental and emotional well-being and helps you live a happy and peaceful life.

11. Get Your Life Under Control

Struggle, uncertainty, and challenges are a part of daily life. However, if you let life run without setting systems and observing rules, things will get out of hand, and you will feel overwhelmed. The less stressful your life is, the more you can deal with difficulties, problems, and unexpected situations. It will also increase the quality of your life and help you enjoy the process of chasing your goals. 

The more you feel in control of your life, the more you want it.

12. Focus on the Positive

The law of attraction says we attract what we are. Focusing on the positive draws positive things your way. When you look at every situation or obstacle as an opportunity rather than a problem, your entire outlook on life changes. This is positive psychology. Try new experiences with a positive mind and good intentions. Exuding positivity and good vibes makes it extremely tough for outside forces to penetrate your inner peace.

13. Stop Expecting Too Much from Yourself

Much of life’s stress stems from the high expectations for yourself regarding what you should be, how you should live, and what you should accomplish.

You are a human and can only give your best. So, rather than setting unrealistic goals for yourself and pushing yourself beyond the breakpoint, give yourself reasonable goals to motivate you to pursue them with all your heart.

There’s no benefit to comparing yourself with others. You are you; they are they.

14. Forgive

Without forgiveness, finding happiness and peace is incomplete. When we hold a grudge, we burn ourselves up on the inside. When someone hurts you or wrongs you in some way, let them go. You cannot change what happened; holding onto that energy keeps it afloat in your life, poisoning everything else.

Forgiveness does not even mean you must forgive someone to their face. Finding that forgiveness within your heart and doing it for yourself is enough.

15. Just Be

The last step on this list to finding internal peace and happiness is one of the toughest. The idea that we should just be doesn’t come naturally due to competitiveness and individual focus rather than community focus. Just being does not mean you don’t do anything. It means you are free from whatever may have held you back in the past – anxiety, fear of failure, future – and you can live freely in that moment. There’s no need to rush because we already have what we truly need: Life.

Whatever you do with your life is up to you; however, if you can just be, you can tap into the spiritual peace and happiness you deserve.

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Mantras to Cultivate Inner Peace and Happiness 

The word mantra in Sanskrit translates to mind tools or instruments. Regarded as sacred and to have an influential impact on reprogramming our subconscious mind. When repeated regularly, it purifies one’s mind and soul.

Below, we list 3 powerful mantras to be practiced daily to enhance inner peace and happiness.

Mantra 1 

Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Universal peace prayer)

Meaning: May there be happiness in all, May there be peace in all, May there be completeness in all, May there be success in all.

Mantra 2 

Om Namah Shivaya (I bow to Shiva), when practiced in meditation, results in calmness and self-confidence.

Mantra 3 

Om or Aum (The sound of the universe and the sound of creation), when chanted during meditation, leads individuals to self-realization, freedom, and enlightenment.

How can Internal Peace and Happiness Help Your Well-being?

We all have to face unpleasant people or situations sometimes. However, having peace of mind makes doing so far more bearable.

A calm life, experiencing mental peace and happiness, does not mean you will never face stress. Instead, it makes you more resilient and helps you deal with stress constructively.

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Feeling lost and unsure how to find your way in life is ordinary. The foremost thing is what you do about it.

While achieving peace of mind and happiness in a flawed world is not always easy, even the most minor step in the right direction can help! Having peace of mind calms you and enriches your experience of living a happy and tranquil life. You will never let yourself slip into negativity again once you open your heart to experience inner calm and peace.

If you take anything away from this blog, let it be this: you have the power to find mental peace and happiness. Start that journey today!

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