Power of Gratitude: How to Practice Gratitude for Happiness in Life?


When we face hard times and failures, it’s normal to feel depressed and drained. Negative thoughts creep in, and it’s hard to find positives. But what if one simple feeling or practice can make us see the light at the end of a dark tunnel? We are talking about gratitude, which can alleviate any negative emotion.

Despite tough times, feeling grateful for good things and seeing the brighter side can make us happier and more content. Research and studies have proved that a simple concept of gratitude can make a big difference in our well-being and happiness.

When we think about being happy, it’s not just about a feeling of joy and satisfaction. Happiness includes finding a deeper sense and purpose in life. When we are truly happy, we feel more satisfied with our lives and what we have. We start appreciating everything around us and have a sense of self-worth. Having gratitude in life is the most valuable and easier way to feel happier in its truest form. 

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What is Gratitude?

For most people, gratitude is about saying or feeling ‘thank you’ for something nice that happens to us. However, the power of gratitude lies deeper than that. It is a more nuanced concept than expressing thanks. 

Gratitude is a positive emotional reaction to meaningful things in our lives. We see beyond materialistic and short-term happiness and start counting our blessings-everything that we have overlooked or taken for granted. 

Rather than complaining, we affirm that there are nice things. We feel blessed and acknowledge other people and the good things we receive daily. It’s like looking at the other side of the coin, where you only find positivity, happiness, and great things. We are grateful for things that we often ignore but are more precious than we can imagine. 

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How to Practice Gratitude in Life?

Feeling gratitude is not a hard row to hoe. All you need is the right guidance, regular practice, and strong commitment. Here are a few tips that will help you practice gratitude every day of your life:

  • Regular yoga and meditation improve emotion regulation. You feel self-motivated and positive throughout the day.
  • Take a walk to a nearby park, take deep breaths, and look around. Feel thankful for beautiful flowers, trees, birds, and especially a new morning.
  • List all the things you are grateful for and put the list somewhere prominent so that you can see it several times a day. 
  • Notice small acts of goodness and kindness, pay attention to things you often ignore amidst hectic schedules, and appreciate their existence, such as your family, the roof over your head, your happy kids and parents, and more.
  • Write small notes and put them in a jar. Whenever you feel upset or negative, take one or more notes and read them.
  • Write a letter to or call someone who did something good or kind for you, and thank them for their help.
  • Write a journal and recount things that you are grateful for. Do it 3-4 times a week.
  • Spare time for things that make you happy, like a cup of coffee, listening to music, spending time with your family, and talking to your friends.
  • Revisit happy memories that brought celebrations and happiness.
  • Think about the people, your friends and family, who make your life easier, happier life, and more fun. Thank them for their support and help during tough times.
  • What natural things from the environment make you happy? It can be sun, plants, the smell of freshly cut grass, spring bloom, or anything that appeals to you. Spend time looking at those things and appreciate their beauty.
  • Think of your accomplishments, be they academic or professional or personal. Recount them as it boosts self-esteem.


How Gratitude Makes Us Happier?

As we mentioned, gratitude can alleviate our negative thoughts and turn them into positive emotions, where we appreciate every small thing that adds meaning to our lives. It is a great healing process that works on many levels.

1. Improves Mental Health

Being grateful improves our mood, makes us optimistic and eliminates stress and depression.

2. Works for Physical Health

It also works wonders for our physical well-being as we are inclined more toward healthy activities and seek help for health concerns.

3. Increases Self-esteem

When we appreciate things we take for granted, it also adds to our self-esteem and satisfaction with life.

4. Regulates Sleep Cycle

Gratefulness brings positivity into our lives, which reduces stress and anxiety. Needless to say, it improves sleep quality and regulates the sleep disorders. That’s the reason most online yoga courses in India include the power of gratitude in their agenda. 

5. Brings Positive Thoughts

When we express gratitude for the small things around us, we tend to become more positive and indulge in behaviors that lead to self-improvement.

6. Helps Us Make Friends

People tend to reciprocate positively when we express thank you for their acts of kindness. Also, we want to repay them for their favour and care for them. This helps us connect to more people and develop selfless bonds with them.

7. Accelerate Career Growth

Gratitude makes us more forgiving, helpful, and compassionate. Above all, it makes us satisfied with what we have, including our job. These positive traits help us at the workplace too, which is evident in our career growth. 

8. Keeps Us Positive During Hardships

One of the greatest benefits of gratitude is it helps us deal with hard times by making us see the brighter side. Even during tough times, when we still express gratitude, it makes them less unpleasant. It keeps us going during such hard times, and we soon turn them in our favour. 


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Final Thoughts

Countless studies and evidence show that gratitude brings mental and emotional peace along with ample physical benefits. When we start appreciating every good thing and feel more satisfied with what we have, we can see the result in every aspect of our lives, whether personal or professional. Yes, it may not be a cure for everything, but expressing gratitude often keeps us positive and happier.

We hope the above-listed points will help you imbibe the practice of gratitude in your lives, and you will see its benefits sooner. No matter how you express your gratitude, you will surely evolve as a person and how you feel and think. You can join authentic online yoga programs to practice things that make you happier in life. 


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