Masterji’s Unique Yoga Project

Masterji's Unique Yoga Project

We all wish to learn the unique art of yoga from expert and renowned teachers but at times our completely busy lives and location work as a constraint to reach out to remarkable yoga icons who travel extensively to promote and spread the yogic light among the masses. These are the traditional yoga teachers who acquired wisdom from legendary yogis in a quite traditional style through Guru Shishya Parampara. Thereafter they took the onus of sharing their learning contributing towards the welfare of society and country at large. One such teacher is Sri MS Vishwanath, known as Masterji who learned yoga from Sri K Pattabhi  Jois since the age of 11 years and has acquired immense knowledge from his experience and zeal to learn.  With over 50 years of training expertise, Masterji has earned great recognition for his contribution to Yoga. His dedication and interest in teaching allows him to establish a strong connect with his students. Masterji is conducting online yoga lessons to allow practitioners to connect with him irrespective of their location and other boundations. These lessons will ensure a firm grasp over the vast subjects of yoga and a broader perspective of traditional yoga. Moreover, these lessons will help budding yoga trainers to understand and acquire the skills required to become an accomplished teacher.

hellomyyoga took a glance into the journey of Sri M S Vishwanath (Master ji) and his new initiative of online sessions through Chat on the Mat

hmy : What inspired you to come up with online yoga lessons?

Masterji: During my long career in teaching, I met and mentored several students from various countries and felt the limitations and constraints of students. During these years, I heard from my students that they do not have a good source to know and learn about the theory and philosophy of yoga. They expressed their inability of finding out a teacher who can help in this regard.  Moreover, after attending my classes, where the students have apart from asana classes and pranayama, talks on yoga philosophy, some of my students were persuading me to do this online teaching which can help the students.

I felt that the suggestion of students is right and initiating the online course might help them. Therefore, I decided to take this online project. Thus my students are the inspiration to start these online lessons.  

hmy : What topics you plan to cover through these online teaching lessons?

Masterji: I try to cover those areas which are of interest to the students such as The origin of yoga, the path and philosophy of yoga, the practice of yoga, etc. In the present yoga world, people are often confused due to the various types, forms, and styles of yoga.  Therefore, I wish to start with focus on the popular styles of yoga and my online classes will be based on Yoga Darshana of Sage Patanjali.

hmy : How it will help yoga students or yoga seekers worldwide?

Masterji: This will help yoga students and also yoga seekers all over the world.

  •  First, they will get information about yoga theory and philosophy.
  •  It will help them to seek profound teaching and training about yoga.
  • It will also empower and motivate them to practice yoga in a better way.

hmy: Are your online classes meant for students with little exposure to yoga?

Masterji: Yes. Since I will be giving lessons from the beginning of yoga, it will help everyone including the beginners and those who have little exposure to yoga.

hmy: How do you plan to encourage students to join real classroom session with online lessons?

Masterji: I encourage the students to join the real classroom as soon as possible to reap the maximum benefits and acquire the right knowledge and understanding of yoga.

Also read from the Chat on the Mat


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