“Brahma Satyam, Jagan Mithya, JivoBrahmaiva Na Parah”
God is real. The world is unreal. The individual is none else but God
These words describe the depth of Adi Shankaracharya’s wisdom and teachings. Born in south India’s Kaladi district of Kerala. Shankaracharya was born to Sivaguru and Aryamba in a Brahmin family and worshippers of Lord Shiva. He embraced Sanyasa at an early age and became a disciple of Sri Govinda Bhagavatpada.
He decoded and deciphered the meaning of Upanishads and Vedas, thereby transforming the society and Hinduism. He propounded the theory of Advaita Vedanta or non- dualism which says that Supreme power and soul are one and every being is the manifestation of one supreme power.
He was a non- supportive of rituals and enlightened the world with Jnana Yoga-the path to moksha- Viveka- knowledge to identify the real and unreal, Vairagya_ detachment from wordly pleasures and pains, Sama-tranquility and serenity of mind, Dama- control over senses and Shraddha deep faith in your guru and learning and Mumukshutva- constant yearning to attain moksha.
He wrote commentaries on Upanishads, Brahma sutras and Bhagwad Gita, and founded the Dashnami Sampradaya related to the ascetic life. To propagate his teachings, he established the four Mathas- Govardhan Peetham, Odisha in East, Shri Sharada Peetham, Dwarka, Gujarat, west, Shri Jyotish Peetham, Badrinath, Uttarakhand, north and Shri Shringeri Sarada Peetham, Shringeri, Karnataka , South.
“The joy of God is boundless, unceasing, all the time new. Body, mind, nothing can disturb you when you are in that consciousness — such is the grace and glory of the Lord. And He will explain to you whatever you haven’t been able to understand; everything you want to know.”
Born in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh as Mukund Lal Ghosh, Sri Yogananda was a great spiritual guru who taught meditation and Kriya yoga- a meditation technique involving breath control and channelizing energy. It is also a spiritual path to right living. At the age of seventeen, he found his mentor in Swami Yukteshwar GiriJi after meeting many sages to guide him on his spiritual path and started a journey of everlasting spirituality.
Paramhamsa Yogananda is considered to be the first yoga teacher who travelled to the west and enlightened people about yoga and balancing the material and spiritual life. His masterpiece work is the book –Autobiography of a Yogi published in 1946 which was translated into several languages. He wrote several books, organized lectures and established centres in the west like Self-Realization Fellowship and International Centre for Self –Realization Fellowship for propagation of Yoga. While in India he helped his Guru in establishing Yogoda Satsang works in India. Today his disciples are spreading his yogic wisdom through various centres across the world.
“Teach what is inside you. Not as it applies to you, to yourself, but as it applies to the other.”
“Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God.”
These are the words that define the insight and vision of the legendary teacher and Father of modern yoga Shri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. He was born in a family of priest and staunch followers of Vaishnavas at Chitradurga district of Mysuru. His learning in Vedas began soon as he hailed from a family of scholars. He learned Nyaya Tarka and Vedanta in a Sanskrit college of Mysuru, continued his learning in other branches of philosophy from Varanasi and Bihar school of yoga. Also he spent seven years learning Patanjali yoga sutras from his guru Shri Ramamohan Brahmachari and Tibetan texts of yoga like Yoga Kuruntha.
An expert in several arts like yoga, philosophy, Sanskrit grammar, mathematics, ayurveda, herbal medicine to name a few. Though strict in nature, he had extraordinary teaching acumen and strong grasp of all the subjects. He authored Yoga Makaranda, an encyclopedia on yoga. Due to immense knowledge he acquired patronage of king of Mysuru.
He spread the light of yoga even without crossing the Indian boundaries by religiously empowering yoga gurus whom we know today as Sri BKS Iyengar, Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Indra Devi, first woman to teach yoga in the west, Shri TKV Desikachar. Shri T Krishnamacharya was a quite disciplined persona but his teaching style ensured that the disciple imbibed every drop of valuable learning showered upon him and that the student learns at his own pace identifying every learner as unique . He also developed a new style of yoga Ashtanga Vinyasa where rhythm of breathing plays a prominent role.
“The mind is responsible for the feelings of pleasure and pain. Control of the mind is the highest Yoga.”
A noble soul named Kuppuswami was born in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu in 1887 to a family of Shiva devotees. His father was a revenue officer. The signs of selfless service and compassion were clearly visible since childhood when he used to feed the hungry, pity the poor and share eatables with animals in his surroundings.
Apart from being a remarkable student he also possessed remarkable memory and a dulcet voice. After completing medical study from Medical college in Tanjore, he started practicing at Tiruchi where he also started a journal titled Ambrosia which he used to distribute freely around the region. After healing and serving people at Malaya, in 1923 he left for India in quest of spiritual wisdom when he reached Rishikesh to meet Sri Visvananda Saraswati, his guru and got initiated into sannyasis order and became Swami Sivananda Saraswati.
He lived an austere life of a sadhu serving other sadhus, healing them, getting bhiksha, doing tapas, meditating, meeting other sadhus and saints in the journey, practicing all forms of yoga and studying scriptures. After travelling extensively in India, he returned from his pilgrimage and set up a Divine Life Society which today has branches all across the world.
In order to benefit mankind with Ayurveda he also founded Sivananda Ayurvedic Pharmacy. Later he also paved the way for modern hospitals, dispensaries, learning and research centres too. Swami ji has written over 200 books on yoga, Vedanta and philosophy that work as a guide and a jist of his traditional learning. Moreover he developed Yoga of Synthesis which is a combination of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti yoga to develop the qualities of body, mind and soul unifying them towards true realization.
“Sab Ek” All is One
Neeb translates to Neev, foundation and Karori translates to Karari, strong. Neeb Karori was the title Maharajji took on his own.
A mystic spiritual yogi was born in Firozabad district of Uttar Pradesh in a rich zamindar family as Lakshmi Narayan Sharma. Detached from worldly pleasures he left for Gujarat just after his marriage at the age of 11 years. After wandering for several years, he was found as ascetic in Neeb Karori village at Farukkhabad, Uttar Pradesh.
On his father’s order he returned home fulfilling his household responsibilities and also taking care of people around following his Bhakti yoga path. Many astounding incidents have been narrated that speak about his miracles of healing the people, making correct predictions and uplifting the society by assigning a big role to his many disciples and followers.
He believed all is one and inspired to follow the Bhakti path. He was a strong worshipper of Lord Hanuman and is believed to have acquired siddhis that allowed him to know what is happening at other place inspite of not being present there. Maharajji also established the deity of Hanumanji at Bavania village, Morvi, Gujarat. Moreover he had a calm and loving attitude towards whomsoever he met and resembled a true ascetic which we only hear of till today.
Just like a hermit though he was detached to world but was always present to those who required his blessings to heal, grow and prosper, wearing a single blanket. There were no set rules or restrictions for his followers and learning used to happen constantly. Famous personalities around the world still get inspired from him. He stayed at Kainchi Dham Ashram near Nainital. Though addressed lovingly by different names at different places he was one for all beings to bless and enlighten them. Today several ashrams and temples have been built across India and abroad by his devotees.
“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
Born as Venakatraman Iyer to Sundaram Iyer, a court pleader and Alagammal in 1879 at Tiruchuzhi, Madurai South India. Ramana was a spiritual saint and jivanmukta- one to be liberated after attaining the highest levels of consciousness. Since childhood he was a jovial soul with a sharp mind but was more inclined towards activities that he enjoyed rather than studying.
He was known to have a very sound sleep. Ramana used to find solace in the temple of mother in times of trouble. Once he was struck by the fear of death and from there his quest for self -exploration began where he took on the journey to find his purpose of existence. He became quite gentle and calm, and indulged into deep spirituality and meditation.
For several years he stayed in caves of Arunachala deeply absorbed in meditation undeterred by pelting stones, insects, harsh weather, physical needs of hunger, thirst and pain and even emotional urges of loved ones to return home. For seventeen years he stayed in Virupaksha cave and meditated.
Ramana never asked or preached any particular way of living but only emphasized to recognize inner self and the truth of life in order to attain eternal freedom and bliss. He believed in serving, caring, sharing and respecting all beings equally.
“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of Intelligence.”
Jiddu Krishnamurty , a revolutionary thinker and a widely proclaimed religious teacher was born in 1895 in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh. His father, Jiddu Narayaniah was a retired official of British who took up job as a clerk in Theosophical society of Adyar later. Jiddu was a spiritual child but considered to be of weak intellect due to which he faced difficulties at school and at home.
Theosophical Society member Charles Webster recognized the meek, obedient Krishnamurti and visualizing his capability of becoming a great leader and orator took him to Theosophical society where he was educated, tutored and protected to become a world teacher along with his brother Nitya and continued their education abroad.
Krishnamurti proved his adeptness in written and spoken English in just six months. The affection of Dr. Annie Besant, the then President of Theosophical society, allowed her to adopt Krishnamurty and Nitya. Krishnamurty was made the President of the Order of the Star. He travelled to Europe where he gave lectures and his writings published in magazines of the Theosophical Society. In 1929 Krishnamurti parted ways from Theosophical Society and other related trusts after undergoing deep spiritual and emotional transformations.
He continued to travel extensively to hold talks with the masses and individuals spreading the message to bring the radical change in the mankind. He emphasized on viewing and accepting the truth, respecting the nature and view all others as human irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. His teachings talk about analyzing the world around with one’s knowledge and spiritual wisdom free from the shackles of conditioned beliefs and thoughts that malign and manipulate the truth.
He came at the time when the world witnessed world wars that also impacted him deeply opening doorways to inner journey for truth. He addressed people as he addresses an individual, talking about the pain, sorrows, corruption, misery people were facing and how it can be removed by bringing change through meditative and spiritual thought process. An account of his talks, discourse and discussions with famous leaders, scientists, psychologists, teachers , spiritual thinkers and individuals have been recorded in books, audios and videos that continue to transform the people and society.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
Sri K Pattabhi Jois was one of the magnificent yoga icons who kept alive the flame of traditional yoga and philosophy. An adept scholar and a yoga mentor was born in July 1915 at Kowshika village in Hassan district of Karnataka. His father was a Brahmin priest and astrologer so his education of Sanskrit literature and rituals started early.
He met his guru Shri T Krishnamacharya in a lecture and started training under the aegis of Shri T Krishnamacharya, a strict but remarkable teacher. Every day Shri Pattabhi used to cover 5 kms before school hours to reach his guruji’s place to learn yoga without informing his family. It was his thirst for knowledge that after being initiated into spiritual life he ran away from home to take admission in Sanskrit University in Mysuru with a meager amount of money.
He used to beg at the Brahmin houses and avail food at the mess free of cost by showing his yoga demonstrations to people there. His reunion with his Guruji continued for 25 years in Mysuru. During this time he got the privilege of showing demonstrations to Maharaja who asked him to teach at Sanskrit University while Shri Pattabhi Jois was still learning under his guruji’s tutelage.
Later on after years of consistent practice and undeterred zest for wisdom of yoga, Shri Pattabhi Jois set the foundation of Ashtanga Yoga Research Yoga Institute in 1948, Mysuru to propagate the teachings of his guruji and bring the people of India and world under the ambit of Yoga.
“Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed.”
Sri Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar is a renowned legendary yoga teacher who enlightened numerous souls not just by his teachings but also by his words of motivation and deep connect and affection for his disciples. Guruji was born on December 14, 1918 in Bellur, Karnataka in a poor Iyengar family.
His father Shri Krishnamachar was a teacher. Bellur was at that time in the grip of influenza and his family moved to Bengaluru when he was five. Shri BKS Iyengar himself fought with malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis and malnutrition in his childhood. In 1934, on the advice of his brother- in- law and his mentor Sri T Krishnamacharya he went to Mysuru to learn and practice yoga to heal himself at the age of 15 years.
Though his guru had little faith in his ability to master the asanas because of his health, he turned out to be a marvel as a student as well as a teacher. His guru’s disciplinary approach and his faith in yoga allowed him to delve deep into his practice and staying aware of his body and mind in each asana. In 1937, his guru sent him to Pune to teach yoga after training him about the difficult asanas and postures. Sri BKS Iyengar put in great efforts and time in exploring different dimensions of asanas through teaching and self-practice.
Thus, he was credited for giving the world a new style of Hatha yoga- Iyengar yoga based on precision, alignment and breath control in postures. It is a combination of 200 postures and 14 techniques of Pranayama and incorporates the Eight limbs of yoga expounded by sage Patanjali. This form of yoga uses props like belts, blocks, blankets for supporting the practitioners in postures. He travelled vastly conducting workshops, giving lectures and demonstrations to people all across the world.
He authored around 14 books out of which Light on Yoga (1966), explaining yoga and philosophy became the best seller and got translated into over 17 languages. He also won Padmashree, Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan for his outstanding contribution in the field of yoga. On 26th January 1973 he established Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune named after his wife Sri Ramamani.
“Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow”
Born in 1923 to a family of farmers in Odisha, Swami Satyananda’s father served as an army officer but destiny had a completely different plan for him. Since the age of six he had spiritual experiences and was blessed by many sages and recognized to be a child with extraordinary awareness in terms of spirituality. Swamiji also acquired tantric practices training from Sri Sukhman Giri.
At the age of 20 he embraced the ascetic life and wandered in search of his guru when he met Swami Sivananda Saraswati who initiated him in the order of sannyasis. For many years Swami Satyananda stayed with his guru in an ashram situated in the forest in Rishikesh with bare minimum amenities. Through his karma yoga and seva he acquired wisdom in Kundalini yoga, tantra, samkhya and Vedanta.
His guru also recognized the rare potential and dedication that Swami Satyananda possessed -the Nachiketa element at an early age. Swamiji ‘s efforts took Bihar School of Yoga, Munger to new heights and a name to reckon with in yoga in 1983. In 2007, Swami Satyananda established Rikhiapeeth to propagate the three teachings of his guru- Serve, Love and Give. Swamiji propagated Bhakti yoga as the panacea for twenty first century.
“Spirituality is not about become special, it is about becoming one with everything”
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev popularly known as Sadhguru is a magnificent and mystic spiritual Guru who is always full of wisdom that is ever new and profound enough to lit up the minds and hearts of people around. He is a great orator with an aura that takes people of all ages and all backgrounds in its purview imparting wisdom in a way that provide solution to individual problems and quest.
He was born on 3rd September 1957 in Mysuru to a Tamil Opthamologist in Indian Railways. At the age of 10 he met his first Guru Malladihalli Sri Raghavendra Swamiji from whom he learned yoga asanas that later transformed him through deeper practice and awareness. He acquired Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from University of Mysore in 1973.
At the age of 25 he had a spiritual experience where he questioned his existence and purpose of life. This unrelenting quest persuaded him to leave his home and business and set on a spiritual journey where he travelled extensively meeting many saints and religious people gathering pearls of wisdom. After a year he began to teach yoga free of cost in Karnataka and Hyderabad. In 1993 he conceptualized Isha Yoga Foundation – (Isha means the infinite who has no form) in order to promote yoga and spirituality. It is a not for profit organization run by volunteers. It focuses on inner Engineering in order to experience transformation.
Sadhguru has been a source of inspiration for numerous souls who teaches in a unique, fulfilled and a profoundly meaningful ways with laughter and strong emotions flowing around. Several yoga programmes including workshops and satsangs are carried out under the aegis of Isha Yoga. Sadhguru has been conferred the Padma Vibhushan and Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar for his contribution in the field of yoga and environment conservation. He is one spiritual guru who has scientific bent of mind and doesn’t believe in any ritual or tradition.