Women especially in India are considered to be the backbone of family. She has multiple roles to play and many lives to nurture by her incredible persistence, patience and potential. While meeting and exceeding the demands of work and family, they often develop certain health issues and may even fall prey to a vicious circle of ailments like depression, obesity, hormonal imbalance, fatigue and diseases owing to deficiencies, orthopedic problems and musculoskeletal diseases.
Yoga has an amazing intervention in Physical Therapy and combined approach has enabled to reduce painful conditions and prevents further deterioration of the existing ailments associated with body movement and functionality.
World Confederation for Physical therapy took the initiative to declare 8th September as World Physical Therapy day with the theme Movement for Health in 1996, for acknowledging, encouraging and even promoting the significance of physical therapy and bring more people under its purview thereby reducing the dependency on medicines and averting the need of surgeries in many cases.
In order to generate awareness and provide a healing touch to women,hellomyyoga has got the privilege to “Chat on the Mat” with founder Dr. Vineeta Ketkar, a family physician with a rich experience of over 35 years in medical profession. Her unending quest in the field of medicine and strong inclination towards yogic science gave birth to Gnosis Medical Yoga Center in Pune.
hmy : In today’s scenario, what is the major cause of health issue among women?
Dr. Vineeta Ketkar : In today’s scenario,major causes of health issues in women are following:
- Nutritional inadequacy – Though we have abundance around us but the habit of what to eat & what not to eat is lacking. Right timings to have our meal is missing. Unnecessary importance is given to liking & disliking of food. Eventually all these habits become lifestyle & almost impossible to quit them. We should work from the age of one in imbibing good habits with food intake.
- Physical Movement inadequacy– Movement is life.We fail to remember this and pamper ourselves with maids working for us. In all this, we forget the luxury of having maids is driving us away from physical workout. In the end our muscles, joints & visceral functions suffers due to lack of physical movement.
- Mental strength inadequacy – The pillar of our efficiency is mental health. We take it for granted by encouraging busy lifestyle. It needs rest,care, nurture & motivation. It requires deletion of troublesome thoughts, memories, last but not the least
- Cognitive inadequacy-You are what you think. So stay clear, rational, balanced, emotional with your thoughts & a professional approach is to be inculcated in routine by constant efforts.
hmy : How yoga as a physical therapy works in preventing psychological and physiological disorders in women?
Dr. Vineeta Ketkar : By the meaning of Ashtanga Yoga, Physical Therapy is its third limb Asana. Mahamuni Patanjali has described asana as state of sthiram &sukham, (stable & comfortable) of body. He elaborates it by saying asana state should be effortless with contemplation on (body,breath,sensations,mind,cognition)energy.
Applying these principals in today’s life, we can say that the practice of Yogic Postures definitely help in Psychosomatic Disorders to minimize medications. Steady mind helps the process of Homeostasis therefore basic functions like hunger- satiety,sleep- wakefulness, rest- activity and motivation-satisfaction find a natural balance to make our life healthy.All systems work in Harmony & conserve energy as well.
hmy : Q3. How do you see combination of yoga & physical therapy for restorative effects?
Dr. Vineeta Ketkar : We have to apply the knowledge of Human Anatomy & Physiology to explain the principles of Ashtanga Yoga as Physical Therapy is totally based on Modern Medicine .The difference between the two is- Yogic study involves conscious level & Physical Therapy operates at various reflex levels. However with the combination of both, degenerative musculoskeletal conditions can be delayed so also palliative & restorative care for these conditions can be offered.
Selective Yogic Postures & Modified Yogic Postures are extremely useful to maintain the range of movements at main joints, strength in postural muscles, minimizing the deviation of weight bearing axis of body.
Physical Therapy is extremely useful in neurological conditions like stroke.
hmy : What piece of advice you wish to give to females at large in order to stay healthy both mentally and physically?
Dr. Vineeta Ketkar : 4-Piece of advice to females at large : –
- Exercise is as essential as bath, clothes, sleep & food.
- Everyday practice 10 min of selective Yoga Postures
- Learn & develop your menu card for yoga
- Change it as per your physical & mental status – Tired/ fresh/ energetic/ anxious/ depressed/ emotional/ hyperactive. Every day is a different day for yoga practice.
It is never too late to learn & practice. Enjoy beauty & strength!!
Dr. Vineeta Ketkar is a practicing Family Physician in Pune.She is practicing since 1980. In addition, she offers Yogic Health Services and Yoga training programmes at her well equipped Yoga Institute at Pune, since 2006. Her practice is based on Modern Medicine.
You can write her at info@gnosismedicalyoga.com
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