Mantras are powerful words that can change our reality. We chant them repeatedly with focus and intention to manifest positive influence in our lives and create lasting changes in our emotions, behaviors, and thoughts.
Mantras contain sacred words that resonate within our souls, align with the universe, and purify our souls and minds. Enunciation of a powerful mantra can create an aura around us and transform negative thoughts into positive. Correct pronunciation of mantras create a unique vibration in the universe and place our thoughts into motion. There are ample benefits of chanting mantras, such as reduced stress, better sleep, positive mindset, improved mental and physical health, and more focus.
Many practitioners wonder which mantra is most powerful. So, in this blog, we will discuss the most powerful ancient mantras in the world that you can chant daily to bring positive energy. You can even play them in the background to create a positive impact and vibrations around you.
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What Makes a Mantra Powerful?
A powerful mantra is multifaceted, attracts elements that resonate with the practitioners, and connect deeply with them. There are many factors and aspects that make a mantra powerful:
- The focus and intent of a practitioner can enhance the power of a mantra. When a mantra is repeated with unwavering concentration and belief, it becomes extremely powerful and impacts our mind significantly. This takes us to a meditative state that brings inner transformation.
- The real power of a mantra also lies in its phonetic resonance, spiritual significance, and the practitioner’s intent. These factors create a force that transforms a practitioner emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
- The linguistic composition contributes a lot to make an extremely powerful mantra. Its syllables and phonetic sounds carry specific vibrations that connect with the body and its chakras. This affects our consciousness and mental state.
- The origin and lineage of a mantra is another major factor that perceives its power. When a mantra is passed down through ancient texts, discovered through profound experience, and shared by respected spiritual leaders, they carry spiritual wisdom and energy.

List of Powerful Mantras in the World
Mantras hold spiritual significance across cultures, and each resonates with unique energy and intention. Although the power of mantras can vary among different traditions and practices, a few are believed to have transformative qualities.
Here are the most powerful mantras on earth that you can integrate into your daily meditation and chanting practices to create more positivity. You can even play these mantras in the background to create a positive vibe in your workplace or home.
1. Basic Mantra: OM – ॐ
Om is said to be the sound of the universe. It is the first original vibration representing birth, death, and re-birth. When you chant OM, it brings you into harmonic resonance with the universe. It vibrates at 432 hertz, which is the natural musical pitch of the universe.
Benefits of Chanting Om
OM is the best way to start and end a meditation or yoga session. Chanting OM thrice can do wonders and bring calmness and lower the heart rate. When you decrease its frequency to align with the universe, it stables your mind so you can meditate and do yoga through sound.
2. Gayatri Mantra
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ prachodayat
Gayatri mantra is a highly respected mantra found in the Rig Veda. This universal prayer is the expression of gratitude to the Sun God and tells humans to be grateful for the life they have.
Om: the primeval sound
Bhur: the physical realm
Bhuvah: the mental realm
Suvah: the spiritual realm
Tat: That (God)
Savitur: the Sun, creator, who is the source of all life
Vareñyam: adore
Bhargo: divine light
Devasya: Supreme Lord
Dhīmahi: meditate
Dhiyo: the intellect
Yo: May this light
Nah: our
Prachodayāt: illumine
Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
Goddess Gayatri, or Veda Mata, is the mother of four Vedas- Rig, Yajur, Saam, and Atharva. This mantra shows the reality behind the experienced and cognized universe. When we recite it, we meditate and pray to our adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose divine light illuminates physical, mental, and spiritual realms. May this divine light illuminate our intellect.
Benefits of Chanting Gayatri Mantra
Chanting this mantra daily in the morning can transform our lives and make us fel lightened and calm.
3. Tayata Om Bekanze
Also known as the Medicine Buddha mantra, it is the most powerful mantra in the universe for healing suffering and pain.
Meaning of Tayata Om Bekanze
May the many sentient beings who are sick, be freed from sickness soon.
And may all the sicknesses of beings never arise again.
Benefits of Chanting Tayata Om Bekanze
Chanting this mantra can reduce all kinds of sufferings and pain. It detaches us from traumatic experiences or the past and cleans up cluttered thoughts. This aligns our energy and helps us heal.
4. Shanti Mantra
ॐ सह नाववतु ।
सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Saha Naavavatu |
Saha Nau Bhunaktu |
Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai |
Tejasvi Navaditamastu-
Maa Vidvishaavahai |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Om Saha Naavavatu- Om, may God protect us both
Saha Nau Bhunaktu- May He nourish us both
Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai- May we work together with great energy
Tejasvi Navaditamastu- May our learning be brilliant and purposeful
Maa Vidvishaavahai- May there be no hate among us
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih- Om peace, peace, peace
Meaning of Shanti Mantra
A teacher and student must chant this mantra together at the beginning of a class to seek divine blessings for studies. It must be repeated at least three times to be powerful and effective.
Benefits of Chanting Shanti Mantra
Chanting this mantra unites a teacher and student by providing divine protection. It eliminates negative energy between both and ensures they learn in harmony.
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5. Om Mani Padme Hum
This mantra is related to the Bodhisattva of compassion and comes from Buddhism.
Om- The vibration sound of Om dissolves our ego and pride.
Mani- ‘Ma’ syllable takes away our jealousy, and ‘ni’ helps us dissolve our attachment to desire and passion.
Padme- ‘Pad’ eliminates our judgemental notions and ‘me’ dissolves possessive behavior.
Hum- Dissolves our attachments to hatred.
Chanting this powerful mantra repeatedly with pure intention helps us clear our souls and get rid of any negative energy. It invokes the feeling of love and compassion.
6. Ganesh Mantra
ॐ गम गणपतये नमः
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namah
Translation of Ganesh Mantra
My salutations to you, O Lord Ganesha
Meaning of Ganesh Mantra
It has a clear meaning contained in the words of this mantra, i.e., salutations to the obstacle remover. It motivates us and provides energy to overcome barriers while showing complete willingness.
Benefits of Ganesh Mantra
This is the best mantra to achieve focus and eliminate all barriers. It is a prayer to Lord Ganesha to help us face the challenges of life and move toward our goals.
7. Om Vasudhare Svaha
This sacred Buddhist mantra is dedicated to Goddess Vasudhara to gain abundance and wealth. This mantra invokes blessings not only for material wealth but for spiritual abundance, relief from sufferings, and elimination of obstacles.
Om- the sound of the universe.
Vasudhaare- Refers to Vasudhara Devi, a revered goddess in Buddhist mythology celebrated for abundance and prosperity.
Swaha- Invokes divine energy and is an act of surrender, faith, and commitment.
I pray to you, O Goddess Earth, bless me with abundance.
It helps us connect with Goddess Vasudhara and attract boundless prosperity and wealth opportunities. We can visualize our dreams and aim for higher results. This mantra opens our heart and mind, making us generous toward others.
8. Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih
This most powerful mantra on Earth is chanted to worship Majushri, a Bodhisattva of wisdom. He holds a sword in his right hand that symbolizes his ability to cut through delusions. In his left hand, he holds a lotus stem that has a book to signify the perfection of wisdom teaching.
Although syllables in this mantra have no conceptual meaning, they have symbolic connections with different spiritual qualities.
A shows that the essence of all things is unproduced.
RA gives insight into the fact that all things are pure and free of defilements.
PA shows that all dharmas have been expounded in the ultimate sense.
CA means that starting and ending of things cannot be apprehended as there is no arising or ceasing in reality.
NA gives insight that the names for things may change, but their nature cannot be gained or lost.
Dhih refers to thought or wisdom.
This mantra contains the first syllables of a syllabary called the arapacana, which is found in the Buddhist texts.
It helps us increase our skills and gain clarity of circumstances. It helps us make wise and correct decisions even when we face challenges.

9. Om Namah Shivaya
ॐ नमः शिवाय
This mantra is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is considered an extremely powerful mantra among Hindus. It shows that nothing is superior to universal consciousness and treats everything as one.
Om- The vibration of the universe.
Namah- To bow or show adoration to Lord Shiva
Shivaya- Inner self.
Meaning of Om Namah Shivaya
This mantra means “I bow down to Shiva,” which represents our inner self and divine consciousness within us.
Benefits of Chanting Om Namah Shivaya
Chanting this mantra with complete belief can help us achieve a state of pure concentration. It infuses positive energy and eliminates negative thoughts. Our mind becomes calm and peaceful, and we can deal with our fears confidently. We can control our thoughts and anger while seeing the purpose of life.
Also read: Five Faces of Shiva (Panchanana): Meaning, Mantra, Importance
10. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु
This is the mantra for positive energy and universal wellness. This is a Sanskrit mantra recited at the end of puja or yoga.
Lokah- Refers to the universe or realm and is not limited to just our planet Earth.
Samastah- Shows all or entire.
Sukhino- Derived from the word ‘Sukh’, which means happiness.
Bhav- Union with the energy of the universe.
Antu- may everyone
The mantra means that “may everyone in the whole world be happy”. It can also mean “may all beings, everywhere, be free and happy.”
Chanting this mantra radiates positive energy and love for all human beings and shows our positive intentions. It brings unity and inner peace while alleviating stress and anxiety. When we chant this mantra with proper pronunciation and complete focus, it ensures emotional wellbeing.
11. Ehi Vidhi Hoi Naath Hit Moraa
This mantra is recited for success and finding the path to achieve success. There may be times when we have multiple choices and don’t know which one to choose. So, we chant this mantra to be assured of picking the right path through our faith.
This mantra means “O Lord, do at once whatever is good for me.”
This manta can lead us to the entryway of progress. It cultivates devotion, fosters a sense of direction and purpose, and instills moral values. We chant it with utmost faith and respect for opportunities waiting for us.
12. Om Sarveshaam Svastir Bhavatu
ॐ सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां शान्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां पुर्णंभवतु ।
सर्वेशां मङ्गलंभवतु ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Poornam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Mangalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaanti ||
Om- Sound of the universe.
Sarveshaam- All beings.
Svastir- Well-being or good health
Bhavatu- May there be
Shanti- Peace
Poornam- Completeness or fulfillment
Mangalam- Auspiciousness
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti- May there be peace, peace and peace
May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Fulfilment in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All,
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.
It helps us get rid of all negative thoughts and overcome physical and internal obstacles. Chanting this mantra regularly helps us build a sense of community, where we wish success for ourselves and others. We become more tolerant and compassionate, while developing a sense of hope.
13. Durga Gayatri Mantra
गिरिजाय च विद्महे,
शिवप्रियाय च धीमहि,
तन्नो दुर्गा प्रचोदयात् ।।
Aum Girijaayai Cha Vidmahe
Shiva Priyaayai Dhimahee
Thanno Durga Prachodayath
The Durga Gayatri mantra is devoted to Goddess Durga, celebrated for her strength and protective power. This is said to be the world most powerful mantra chanted by Hindus during religious ceremonies.
Om, Let me focus on the Goddess Durga, who is the daughter of Kathyayana,
Oh, divine Goddess, give me greater intellect to think wisely
May Goddess Durga enlighten my mind.
Chanting this mantra can help us restore inner peace and bring balance in life. It makes us mentally stronger and protects us from negativity. It also develops spiritual connection, while creating a positive aura around. It makes us sympathetic and compassionate, boosts confidence, and protects us from evil forces.
How many times should we chant Mantras?
Mantras are often chanted 108 times and to count repetitions, you can use mala beads with 108 beads on the string. When you hold beads while chanting, it helps you set clear goals and focus on them.

Ways to Chant Mantras
According to traditional yogic practices, we can recite mantras in different ways, and each of them has its significance and effect. Here’s an overview of the three ways to chant mantras.
1. Vachaka (Vachik): The verbal or audible recitation is known as vachaka. It requires the practitioner to chant the mantras out loud, engaging the mind and speech. The sound vibrations are believed to purify the mind and the environment. Hence, it is often used in group chants or kirtans.
2. Mannan (Manasika): The mental repetition of the mantra comes under mannan or manasika. Here, the practitioner recites the mantra silently in their mind. Repeating a mantra silently in mind is considered more subtle and powerful, as it helps deepen concentration and internal focus, without using the voice.
3. Likhita: This is the written repetition of the mantra that requires the practitioner to write the mantra repeatedly in a notebook or on paper. This method combines the act of writing with mindfulness, reinforcing the mantra’s impact through both physical and mental engagement.
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FAQs- Most Powerful Mantras
Mantras are sacred words or phrases. When recited repeatedly with complete focus and devotion, they can bring about positive change in our lives. Mantra is made of two Sanskrit words: Manas, which means ‘mind’, and tra, which means ‘tool’. So, a mantra is a powerful tool for focusing the mind. Mantras are recited in different cultures and traditions, such as yoga, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
A mantra is also a sound that creates a positive vibration in the universe and influences our consciousness through rhythm, tone, and meaning. When chanted the right way, mantras release powerful energy and create vibrations in our mind and body, which can take us into a deep state of meditation and transform our negative thoughts into positive ones.
There are many ancient mantras you can chant for success. The most powerful of them are Gayatri Mantra and Ganesh Mantra
Yes, there are many mantras chanted for healing and success. For healing, you can chant the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Shiva Mantra, or Om. For success, Ganesh and Gayatri mantras are known to hold magical powers.
So, don’t wait and start chanting these mantras daily or incorporate them into your meditation or yoga practice. You can choose the ones that work for you but make sure to recite them with complete focus, intention, and devotion. As you chant more, you will witness magical changes in your thoughts, reflecting on your life and surroundings.