Cherishing Spiritual Light: Importance & Science Behind Lighting Diyas (Lamps)


For centuries, lighting the diya (lamp) has been a part of Indian culture, with a lamp being lit daily in the temple, near the family deities. In some homes, this tradition would take place twice a day – once in the morning and once again at dusk. 

Diyas symbolize goodness and purity, and by lighting them, darkness is dispelled, and we are brought into the light”. 

What Does Diya Symbolizes?

  • The oil in the diya stands for the dirtiness in our minds; our selfish desires such as greed, jealousy, hatred, and lust. 
  • The cotton within symbolizes our soul or atma. 

By burning the oil with the wick, the diya gives off light. Thus, by getting rid of our materialistic thoughts and self-centeredness, we are liberated from sadness and are guided toward enlightenment, connecting us with the Supreme Being.

Before electricity was invented, the diya was essential for illuminating the deity after sunset. By lighting the diya, Indians have been able to keep their connection with the spiritual realm alive, cherishing blessings & good fortune, and bringing the spiritual light. 

While technology has developed, this time-honoured tradition of honouring one’s faith and family has stayed the same.

Let’s know the significance of lamp lighting, the scientific reason behind lighting diya, the benefits of lighting diya at home, and much more in this write-up. 

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The Representation of Fire in the Burning Lamp

The burning lamp is a representation of the element of fire. This element signifies the idea of purity, as anything that comes into contact with fire is immediately cleansed. Additionally, fire represents impartiality, as it does not differentiate between what is good and bad. 

Fire also acts as an emblem of luminance and brilliance, driving away any darkness that may appear. In religious contexts, the burning lamp is often offered to a deity as a means of purifying the devotee’s heart of any darkness. 

Once lit, the flame disperses the darkness, just as it does outside of the spiritual realm. Attempting to create a holy atmosphere, the burning lamp will light the way forward for individuals who wish to experience spirituality and divine connection. Fire is the bridge that allows individuals to come closer to the divine.

The Scientific Reason Behind Lighting Diya

Let’s know what is the science and significance of lamp lighting in India.

1. Peaceful Atmosphere and Positive Vibes

Lighting a ghee lamp is a common spiritual practice. According to the principles of spiritual science, lamps that burn ghee attract more sattvik (spiritually pure) energy than those that burn oil. This helps to create a peaceful atmosphere and soothe the mind. 

Ghee lamps are particularly potent at collecting spiritual energy, as they can draw positive vibes from a wider area than those that burn oil, and release them for longer periods. It is one of the top benefits of lighting diya at home.

2. Fosters Spiritual Growth and Relaxation

Once the flame of the ghee lamp is extinguished, the predominance of raja particles in the air is enhanced for at least half an hour with oil lamps and up to four hours with ghee lamps. 

It is clear to see how burning a ghee lamp has significant spiritual benefits. Not only does it encourage more sattvik energy to enter the atmosphere, but it also fosters spiritual growth and relaxation.

3. Bring Prosperity and Harmony

Meditating on the light of a ghee lamp is believed to bring prosperity and eliminate darkness, ignorance, and evil. 

Ayurveda states that regularly pausing to observe the flame for two to three minutes can enhance and purify our vision. Using this form of meditation can also offer us clarity as we strive for enlightenment. 

Taking moments to focus on the flame is a pleasant and uplifting experience, perfect for when we need to reset and realign our mental focus before or after a long day. 

Ghee lamp meditation is an easy and accessible practice anyone can adopt in their life to draw joy, peace, and harmony.

4. Create Calming Aura

Lighting a ghee lamp creates a calming aura, which can open up the mind by activating key areas of the brain. This activation enhances the performance of the person, allowing them to focus entirely on their objective. 

Whether used as part of a worship ritual or simply to create a peaceful environment, the ghee lamp is a powerful tool. Its warming radiance brings the mind, body, and spirit together.

5. Several Health Benefits

A burning lamp holds immense health benefits, from its ability to help with air purification to detoxification of the body nearby. Lamps emit soot or unburnt activated carbon particles, similar to charcoal – a purification agent. 

These particles absorb impurities, such as pathogens, from the atmosphere and make them harmless. Not only does this purify the air, but the temperature created by the burning of the lamp helps to support the detoxification of the body. 

Invest in a burning lamp to help keep your living environment clean and your body healthy. It is among the primary benefits of lighting diya at home.

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Importance of Lighting Diya With Cow Ghee

Ayurveda considers cow ghee to be immensely beneficial. It is believed to have a property known as Sattva Guna, which has a deeply calming effect on the brain. 

The calming nature of it helps to revitalize our mind, both physically and mentally. By aiding in positive emotions, it also helps to focus on worshipping the divine during deity worship. 

Ultimately, cow ghee might just be the right thing to add to your routine for the betterment of your mind, body, and soul.

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Bringing clarity and insight, lightness is an emblem of knowledge. By acknowledging and understanding its power, we can rid ourselves of the shackles of darkness and ignorance. With the illumination of light, the path ahead of us is suddenly made clear. 

So, strive to embrace this wonderful symbol of enlightenment and let it guide you through uncertainty.

Light Panchgavya Diyas

Lighting Panchgavya Diyas from hellomyyoga is a great way to experience the benefits of a homam. Before you light the diya, though, it’s important to make sure you have a space with plenty of room, as the entire diya will burn. 

Once you’ve done so, take a moment to sit in mindful meditation and let the energy of the flame fill your thoughts and being with calm. Doing this helps bring about the same peace and relaxation. 


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